Good Morning - Wednesday 9th, February

@Bread, @butterscotch, @OldGreyFox, @Mups, @Jazzi, @PixieKnuckles …… thank you all! xxx

It’s been a difficult time not being able to hug her due to the wretched Covid virus.


Good morning everyone. -2° atm with a high of 11°. I hope everyone has a great day.

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You’d best pop her on the train quick then, Foxy. I could do with some help. :grinning:

Well if you’re sure Mupsy…But she prefers her own transport…

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That is good news Mags xx

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@Mags Absolutely fantastic news.

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What wonderful news!

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@Muddy @Kazz @SilverTabby …. thank you ladies, it feels like a thick cloud has lifted. Sue’s immune system has been compromised so she has to be very careful around people still and has to retake her 2nd Covid vacc and also have the pneumonia vacc next week.

Good news though.

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