Good morning Wednesday 9 March

Morning all.

Seems nobody wanted to bother yesterday, :laughing::laughing:

Nothing exciting planned for me here. I do need to get to a donation drop off point near my vets, as I have pain killers. When I went to Morrisons to their donation boxes they had crossed out paracetamol and ibuprofen, but I believe these are still being accepted elsewhere. I could also sort out some other needed bits.

The sun came out today and it didn’t rain.

Good morning everyone, a much milder start here and no frost forecast for the next week apparently, so I may start planting the garden up and cleaning the greenhouse ready for the coming season.

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:

Good morning all. I see we have two ‘Good Morning’ threads today?

Bright and sunny, but a cold wind blowing still.
Just going to nip into town for a couple of bits, then I have a friend calling in this afternoon.

Nothing else to report, so enjoy your day folks.

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: dry and breezy here in the SW, feeling milder.

Hoping to do some tidying up in the garden this afternoon,

Enjoy your day folks….

Snow in our forecast for this afternoon and evening. That will keep me busy with the snow brooms… healthy fresh air, though.

Good afternoon everyone :smiley:
Busy busy…took the stuff I sorted from the wardrobes yesterday to the charity shop,
went to the car wash which has gone up £2,
booked the car in for its MOT and service,
made my first batch of Kombucha.

I have a physiotherapy appointment tomorrow. hoping they can sort my back out.

My DIL has Covid, she had managed to avoid it so far in spite of 3 of the grandchildren getting it. So far just flu like symptoms I hope she will be ok.

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It was far too windy to sit outside our favourite coffee shop this morning for our usual post shopping cappuccinos and ciggies so, we came home instead.