Good Morning Wednesday 8th June 2022

Because there was no “Good Morning” thread yesterday I thought I would kick off one today while it is still morning.

Sunny, not a cloud in the sky but cold, it is about 13° at the moment and forecast to be a maximum of 15°,

Went shopping this morning for shoes and woolly socks, I am off to Canberra tomorrow and if you think 15° is cold wait until tomorrow. My daughter is trying to persuade me to buy a house in Canberra but the hot summers and freezing winters are two of the reasons why I will not. Fantastic city with small population, excellent roads, great facilities but horrible climate.

Did my laundry so I have plenty of clothes when I return, my new woolly socks left bits all over the rest of the clothes but they will shake off when dry (I hope).

Will take the car out later to check the tyres and then pack it for a quick getaway tomorrow. Like last time I have a separate bag full of just warm clothes! Will fill up with fuel at Goulburn - still cheaper than here :frowning:

Take care…
Have a good one


Good morning!

A very cold and damp start here but I do like the grey filter of cloudy mornings.

The house is quiet and I have finished a little work before the family are up. I made breakfast and organised lunch for today, put a wash on and had a lovely bath. I am now ready for the day ahead.

Exams at the moment with stressed and anxious students.

All the best!

Thanks for starting the thread Bruce.
Good morning all, its pouring down of rain here.
Got Doctors appointment this morning for Steriod injection into my Hip, then Asthmas Clinic this afternoon. Our Cat is also not well, somehow she has caught a cold, don’t know how as she is an indoor cat, I think she must have caught it at the Vets.
Have a good day all.

Good morning everyone, rain overnight here and clearer now, but thunderstorms forecast for later…

Just finished giving Oscar his monthly clip and grabbing a coffee before going into town to buy a new lightweight fleece for the summer, vegetable korma for lunch yum yum…

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:


Good Morning All.

I have a terrible cough and cold, so was awake all night keeping the nurse busy.
O have scans booked today and chest physiotherapy, all good fun

Have a good day all.

Good Morning!

Reasonable weather here, and it looks like it will get better (don’t remind me!)

A few errands in town today -

Breakfast at a Working Man’s Club, which is just on the edge of the town centre
Return books to the library
A couple of things to do at the bank
Photograph a long closed model shop. That has been on my to do list for ages, and a reminder of the time not so long ago when every town had a toy & model shop that sold plastic kits

This afternoon I’ll be back home, doing a bit of knife making

Good morning all :grinning: a sunny but breezy day which will dry the washing nicely today.

I need to pop out to the shops to get a few things this morning, I expect I will be one of the few who still wears a mask :mask:

It looks like a squirrel has been foraging in a few of my garden troughs, there are holes and uplifted plants everywhere.

Enjoy your day folks :grinning:

Actually that reminds me, I have to go to the Model and Hobby shop in my street to buy some copper sheet for a project of mine. I have been too busy or rather I claim to be too busy but in truth I forgot, I will call in when i get back from my trip.

Glad you mentioned it.

Good morning all.
Cloudy with rain threatening at the mo.

The water board man finally came last night and cleared the blockage in the drains, so I can get some washing done today hopefully. Probably going to pour with rain now though!

I usually shop at Asda, but I am going to try Tesco’s today. I like to live life to the full y’see. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Toodle pip.

Morning all.

Dog walk done so I will be popping out soon to collect items I have ordered. (Waiting for phone to charge.) Might even take a library book back. Yeah, I too lead an interesting life, heh heh.

morning folks

It was chucking it down this morning on my way to work but its nice now, just checked the weather and it’s to be nice all rest of week, especially weekend, mind you, that can change daily but hopefully it’s going to be nice.

Will go to my dads then I’m taking my little fur boy to the groomers this afternoon.

Nothing else planned except crafting and preparing orders from my Etsy shop ready for dispatch this evening.

Enjoy your day all


I’ve just got back home from the town centre
When I got to the old model shop, that, and several other shops in the same block had been covered over with shuttering & hoardings, and there was a large notice to announce that this was a part of the renovation & revitalisation of the town centre
The shops were to be restored, refitted, and let out to independent retailers

Well that’s good news, and I hope it does well
Unfortunately though, I was too slow missed my chance to photograph the old shops, after all they’d only been empty & almost derelict for about 5 years ----
The story of my life!

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