Good Morning Wednesday 8th December

Good Morning!

Its very early, dark and wet. The birds are singing though, and that always bodes well :smiley: The weather seems to have calmed down a bit, but its still chilly.

Not much planned apart from admin things and other paperwork. Usual house chores too, its never ending

Have a lovely day everybody…time for coffee. :coffee:

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Good morning Pixie and all who follow

Still dark here in Yorkshire and its very quiet so the birds must still be sleeping

My little Grandson went home at teatime yesterday…it was lovely having hime here for a few days

Sitting down with a kitchen planner later today…they have some of that virtual software so I will be able to walk around my virtual kitchen…exciting :slight_smile:

Have a good day everyone


Good morning from ‘out in the rural sticks’ to you PixieKnuckles, summer and all who may follow. :039:

Dark here still. Cold, wet and very windy and seems to have been all night. Cloudy with showers later, not at all nice. Maximum temperature 7ºC.

Nothing planned, just keeping warm and the few odd mundane household chores, which never end.

Enjoy your day everybody, whatever you may be doing.

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Typical of this summer, cold and wet, struggles to reach 20’, I am wearing a jacket, thunderstorms coming and going, it’s another horrible day.

At least its unlikely to flood where I live.

Have a better one

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Good Morning All.

I have the pumps on, water from front to back.

The road is a disaster, wheelie bins blown over and rubbish all over the place, with no chance of it being cleaned up.

I have Wendy here later, which will be good, she is a very good Carer.

Have a good day all.

Same in Melbourne.We had quite a weather event today,we saw the sun.


Morning all.

That weather was awful yesterday. Hope all is ok Swim. Had to wait till the evening to get the dog out.

Going to Susie J’s house today, meet her OH, and see what they’ve had done in the house. Looking forward to the visit.

Then it will be home to play with my new set of landlines, struggle to get behind the TD for the plug, and then inputting contacts. It will be good having the extension in the front room so I can just reach out for it. Usually the single existing one is hidden behind clothes airers, or I have to get up from the sofa, and make my way to the back to answer it. I collected the parcel last night on the dog walk and they have been charging overnight.

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Good morning all, still blowing a hoolie here with rain, so a miserable morning weatherwise…

We had planned to go to the new superstore but at the moment don’t want to go anywhere looking outside! Anyway, not all bad news as it’s liver and onions for lunch so that will warm us up at least.

Wishing you a pleasant day everyone :blush:

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Good Morning everyone.
Today I have not overslept but woke up at a decent time.
I have an appointment at the Glenfield Hospital this afternoon to have Breathing Tests done. This is now done in the car park in a Drive through test centre due to the covid precautions for a hospital that caters for Heart and Lung problems.
I really cannot understand how they will test my breathing while I am sitting down resting. We shall see.
I hope everyones day goes well.

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Good morning all.

Weather was terrible yesterday, last night it was falling down of rain, thank god its not raining yet this morning.

Looking forward to seeing Janet this morning, she better bring the sun with her.

Have a nice day all.

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Morning all, well apart from some horizontal, lashing rain yesterday, it’s not been that bad here, and now it’s very calm, dry and sunny. My heart goes out to all of you who are bearing the brunt of Storm Barra.

Our granddaughter had a sleepover last night, and is happily eating her breakfast of grapes, apricots and chocolate crepes in front of the fire. I’ll take her home a bit later on so her dear old dog isn’t left alone too long.

Have a good day everyone, stormy weather notwithstanding :blush:

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Good morning everyone except it isn’t, yesterday was supposed to be a bad weather day but so far today has been worse with a fierce wind and heavy rain.

I had to carry Chloe down the lane and she walked back, she walks so slowly these days poor old girl we make a sad pair struggling up the lane.

I am going to finish wrapping Christmas presents this morning, I was going to give the sitting room a good clean but that will keep till tomorrow.

Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face:


The weather eased here for an hour so we managed to get our walk in the woods, not many leaves left on the trees now, anyone would think it’s autumn… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Good Morning all

Windy here maybe tail end of the storm washing on the line and thought watch for rain but now had to pop out and double the pegs.

Toast this morning from my new toaster much better than under the grill I can potter around and not watch it.! :smiley:

Off out to Get some emulsion decided if I am doing the living room I am going all out ceiling coving wall skirting (while I still can) LOL taking the curtain poles down etc. Busy couple of days planned. Then peaceful wallpapering and the tree up. Yeah.

Got an appointment froma good local company to repair my sky cable my brother in law in his wisdom decided to cut it a few years ago when the TV was moved when Mom was ill. But it went back to where it was but had to add an addition and I hate it keep loosing signal etc so almost 2 years after I made the first appointment to get it done am having it fixed next Wednesday, before we lockdown again. :innocent:

Have a good day all

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: a calm morning here after yesterday’s bad weather. The sun is trying hard to squeeze through the clouds.

I feel sorry for all those further north who have such bad weather.

Make the most of your day everyone……

Another crap day weather-wise. To crown it all I received a vehicle tax reminder from the DVLA - I wouldn’t mind but, £1 to a penny, they’ll also send me an email reminder in the next few days.

What’s even worse than that though is that I receive a reminder to renew my Vehicle Excise License and it’s for ZERO amount – my car is one of those where no tax is payable. I still have to waste my time ‘renewing’ it online though.
:thinking: :upside_down_face: :frowning_face: