Good Morning Wednesday 6th December 2023

Morning all!

Another slow day. I was hoping to get something done but it was not to be.

No plans for today.

Have a good day everyone.

Morning all.

No plans here, either.

Good morning!
Cold, clear, and frosty

Going into town soon to do a couple of errands - post a parcel, pay a bill, and get a bank mini statement
Nothing else planned

Good Morning from Robert’s World… :face_with_monocle:
A couple of degrees below freezing here and frost covering all the paths and rooftops…Brrrrrrrrr…
Tesco this morning instead of a walk, and with plenty to do there will be no time to fit one in today. So I’d best get started…As John Wayne used to say in the westerns…“We’re burning daylight”…
John Wayne

A fun day on the way. We have a new fridge/freezer on the way tomorrow so we have to clear out the old one. We have two but the other is rather full. Such joy…