Good Morning Wednesday, 5th June 2024

Good morning all who venture here.

I was up early to get milk and fruit from the mall, then a quick trip to Bunnings for some hardware, this was followed by a visit to Supercheap Auto for oil and an oil filter. The lovely young girl behind the counter reduced the price of the oil from $115 to $79, I could have kissed her (except for legal reasons).

This afternoon in my Mr Bodgit persona I put up some hooks to hang my fry pans from - I have decided that throwing them in the cupboard and quickly slamming the door has to end eventually.

It has been a productive day. The rain started this arvo but I don’t care - my work for the day is done.

What have you been up to?


Good middle of the night!

While we know not of Mr. Bodgit here, we did have Fibber McGee and Molly who seemed to have the same challenges with closets and cupboards. Better those pans hang from a hook than land on a toe Bruce.

It’s been a sad couple of days here; I had to say farewell to this extraordinary girl who was long-ago abandoned in front of my beach place by someone who abused her. For to days, she waited by the fence loyally waiting for her cruel owner to return, until she finally she trusted me to take her in. What a love she turned out to be; and for twelve years, we were mutually devoted to each other. Farewell, only for now, to this fine girl!

I hope you have a good da!


Very sorry to hear that news but she had a good life with you.Only that’s not much consolation at the moment,I’m sure.We only get abused/abandoned dogs from rescue centres and they show their appreciation by being very loyal and loving.
She looks similar to ours a Kelpie(sheepdog) what make is she? :grinning:


Thank you, Psmith.

I’m so pleased that you adopt! It speaks to the goodness of dogs that they give us humans a second chance

She was a mixed breed of some sort - hound and terrier, most likely.


Sad but happy that she gave you 12 years of joy.


Good morning - A sunny start to the day. The temperature is 14ºC.

Sorry to read about your dog Surfermom. We know they don’t have our life span but it’s always sad when the time comes for them to go. You gave her a good life.

Not much to do today. Did most of the needed jobs yesterday. I’ll probably just sit around, take life easy and contemplate how tomorrow might go (hospital).


Mr Bodgit made me smile. Do you know of Roobarb and Custard? Roobarb would go into the shed to bodge something up when he had an idea that would overcome a problem. My family would sometimes ask if I could do a ‘Roobarb’ for something they needed either making or modifying. The expression is still used sometimes. Certainly the equivalent of Mr. Bodgit. :slight_smile:


what a difference to the back garden now, we actually have sunlightright across it… It took a day and a half for the tree fellers to remove the dead wood an some of the over leafed branches. it didn’t help with the lady on the other side of the fence complaining about stuff falling into her garden, even saying to one of them " If this was back in the USA I would have got my shotgun and shoot the guy out of the tree.he was trespassing" err on my trees??? had a right go at them. Later on she asked if they would work on her oak tree. I advised them not to after the problems she caused.

very wide angle lens used


Morning all – bright sunshine this morning, although the forecast is for it to cloud over with temperatures reaching all of 16c!

Not much planned for today – unfortunately the black dog has descended again so I will probably spend the day overdosing on junk food and feeling sorry for myself

Take care – hope everyone has a great day


Ooooo, no, no, no. She can stay right where she is :woman_facepalming:

The trees look lovely, real speed.


thank you ,yes makes such a difference. Done my walk for today only 1/2 hour but didn’t have to stop so often as before. That for me is an achievment in itself. Few more days the same, depending on weather should sort me out for the hols.


What sort of thing triggers this? Do you know?


Good Morning From Foxy’s World… :mask:
So sorry to hear about your dog Surfermom, if I were a stray I couldn’t imagine anyone better to take me in… :hugs: Such a sad time…

Been feeling under the weather for the last couple of days after developing the mother of all head colds…Made it a lot easier to rest up after the heart procedure on Friday.
However, I felt a lot better this morning thanks to Tesco’s hot lemon cold remedy I took last night and woke up to the sun streaming through the window so decided to walk the mile around the block…Couldn’t resist it…
It felt good to be out but the breeze was cool and I was trying to keep the pace down and not put too much strain on my heart. It went well and I didn’t feel any chest pain… :+1:
Time was slow though and I managed to resist the urge to jog…What am I like… :roll_eyes:
Had a go at my arrogant GP on Monday and managed to knock a few meds of the the ever expanding list, he also grudgingly reduced my statin dose from the maximum of 80 mg down to 40 mg…But since reading the leaflet contained in the box I’ve decided not to take them at all, never had them before and it’s never done me any harm… :017:


No idea Bruce - it just comes out of the blue. Moaning about it seems a bit self indulgent when I consider what OGF is going through. I usually give myself 24 hours of feeling sorry for myself, then remind myself of how lucky I am compared to many others


Sorry to hear that, @Surfermom, what a lovely dog. Very sad story but at least she received your love and care before leaving this world.


Same problem here, with GPs, they dish out medicines as if they were sweets!


Just take it easy, Foxy. You are still not under the woods.


They never seem to consider natural solutions anymore Rose… :009:

Good point Besoeker, I’ll not consider going yet while I’m still young… :+1:


Yes, quite. I was just thinking of the short term while you are on the mend.