Good morning on this overcast, hot, humid day. There have been spots of rain but I literally mean spots, they don’t even join up on the concrete, I think most of it evaporates before it reaches the ground.
Doctor’s visit this morning, when I asked at the desk how many before me the girl said “One”, I was pleasantly shocked and delighted, I got a prescription for my strong painkillers and have to visit another doctor for a review next week, that’s OK it is just a formality at my age.
Refilled my now de-iced and dry freezer - found some pastry sheets at the bottom with a best before date of 2011 so that went in the bin, also some out of date Malaysian Roti which is defrosting to have with my dinner tonight.
I was going to wash my bedding but this so called rain put that on hold, a southerly is supposed to sweep through this arvo thank goodness, the night time temperature was 22° last night so, even though I had all the windows open, the house hardly cooled at all.
Have a wonderful day everybody. Keep warm and busy.
Snap! My wife and I went to Southampton Waterstones on Monday, to spend her £30 book token, given as a birthday present late last year, by a friend. She only bought one book, and we’ll return again. Did’nt use the cafe, as, being a cheapskate, I went round to Waitrose for my free coffee!
I’m back. I haven’t been posting lately as the “black dog” descended and I didn’t want to take everyone on a trip down Depression Lane. Unfortunately it is still in residence but I am fighting it.
Rain overnight but currently dry, although forecast is for the temperature to drop to below zero tonight.
Enjoying watching the birds fight over which ones use the bird feeders first while the collared doves wait underneath to pick up the bits dropped by the smaller birds!
Nothing much planned for today, some ironing and housework
Good afternoon everyone, another bright, sunny day down here, quite mild even if the North wind reminds us it’s February, too early for Spring yet. Nice to see you back @SheilaP, sorry you were feeling low, I know it’s a hard battle to fight but we are great warriors, coming out of the tunnel makes us stronger and braver.
I read that Phil, the US groundhog went back into his den when he popped out on 2nd February, having seen his shadow, so we have at least six more weeks of Winter. It was cloudy and very cold here but it didn’t rain, so Spring is still very far away. The funny thing is that it’s actually normal that we have at least another month and a half of winter, counting from the 2nd Feb, since when does it get warm before April? Maybe it did, years ago, but no longer.
Afternoon awl ! It’s 9C now and a bit cloudy. We met and chatted with a few friends with dogs, all very sociable. There no cars here but a few bikers - fortunately our wee dog behaves perfectly while they pass.
It’s foggy and mild out, leaving me dewy after a quick five miles. I’ve since spruced the house and me up enough to be presentable before I’m off for a day of grocery shopping and playing chauffeur to my daughter. Her doctor practices in a pretty little down an hour away that is the setting of “Hart of Dixie.” Then it’s off in the opposite direction for the month’s grocery shopping.
@SheilaP I hope the literal and proverbial sun is out for you today. It’s good to read that the birds are lifting your spirits.
@Furryanimal, enjoy your outing and give us a review!
@Besoeker, give that very good girl a pat from me!
@John and @Eliza, your Waterstones sounds akin to our Barnes & Noble - large bookstores with pleasant atmosphere and a coffee nook. I hope the book selection is a good one today!
@Rose Punxutawney Phil did indeed see his showdow, but it couldn’t be much worse than it has already been the winter. If you haven’t seen it, “Groundhog Day” is a cute movie.
@Bruce, it feels good knocking errands off the list. That was a win on your doctor’s visit!
@Swimfeeders, I’m sorry to read about your insomnia. Hopefully it will settle down and you can get some needed rest. Have you tried listening to books or podcasts as a distraction to sleep?
I just saw one of the photos from Cassini that shows us as a microscopic dot from the edge of the solar system. What are the chances that we would all be here at the same minuscule fraction of time in the same minuscule fraction of space. Incredible.
Alrighty, time to get behind the wheel. Have a lovely day!
It certainly was, the b@stard makes bookings for every 10 minutes then sees everyone for 20 minutes. It is rare to find less than three waiting in front of you, I just use the time to visit the Op shops usually but this time I only waited half an hour.
He’s not a bad doctor, he bulk bills, it is just his time management is appalling.
@Eliza @Surfermom
Bat Out of Hell
Good morning.
Just after midnight and in from the show.
First of all the cast can be seen here
And for those that don’t know this is the story behind the musical-
The musical, which is set in a dystopian world where a group of immortal bikers are harassed by a local war lord (only for one biker to fall in love with the war lord’s daughter), includes Jim Steinman and Meat Loaf’s iconic songs from the Bat Out of Hell albums, such as “You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth,” “Bat Out of Hell,” “I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That),” and “Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad,” along with the previously unreleased song “What Part of My Body Hurts the Most.”.
Although tweaked for this production and the bikers are ‘the lost’ who have eternal youth.
Anyway I doubt many of us where there for the story which is really secondary to great performances of Jim Steinman / Meatloaf songs.
Those performances were all superb and I was highly delighted when Raven and Strat -eventually joined by Ravens parents-launched into ‘it’s All Coming Back To Me Now’ which I have on a 45 by Pandoras Box.
And at the end we failed to find out what Raven and Strat wouldn’t do for love.
Anything but not that!
Reduced to 55% of original (1084 x 1084) (Raven)
The question we have all been pondering for years!
It really was a superb evening -which I got cheap in a Black Friday deal-and if the show comes around again in a year or two I think I would be happy to see it again.
Next up for me the UK Pink Floyd Experience in March but tonight was an evening that will live long in the memory.
This after Mondays performance
What a great experience. I used to like Meatloaf’s music though I have never seen him live.
You lucky thing seeing Pink Floyd too, the last time I saw them was at the Marquee Club in London decades ago, Lost interest after they released Dark Side of the Moon, though I still have (and play) all their LPs before that.
I am afraid the last musical I saw was Judith Durham’s life story
I was at this concert, what an amazing performance. Their personal travel agent gave me free tickets as I was working for a hotel company at the time and had been responsible for their hotel bookings for their Italy tour. I had never really been a fan of their music, but after that concert… Well, what can I say?