Good Morning Wednesday 5th April 2023

Morning all!

Seems like the days are getting sunnier but not warmer. It was a blah day.

Hoping to feel a bit better so I can get a few things done today.

Have a good day everyone.

Good morning Butterscotch and everyone.

Nothing much planned for today…so an easy day.

Hopefully out in the garden

Have a good day everyone

Morning all!

Will be a day of catching up on books and may take a drive to London to see family - if the weather holds. Will head into school tomorrow as I have a few things to do and want to have next week as a ‘free from school work’ week which is not always easy to do, even during the holidays.

Looking for a short few days away for next week. No more than a 3 hour drive (my limit). Wales looks promising.

Have a great one!


A really miserable wet day forecast here.

Lucia, the 18 month old, is with sister today, she loves feeding the fish in the aquarium on Whats app.


Got people popping in this morning, to see me and Holly, and to collect some stuff I don’t need. They used to deliver the Chinese and would love to fuss Holly as we went past, her scrabbling to get into his van. Hoping for a catch up and update why they left.

After that, no idea.

Morning all, overcast and milder here at the moment, but rain forecast for most of the day from mid morning.

Nothing planned and just re-heated casserole for lunch, so an easy day with maybe a film later.

Have a pleasant day everyone :blush:

Good Morning all, who nicked the sun? Cloudy and chilly here today :frowning:

Going to start Spring Cleaning though

Have a good one, everyone x

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Good morning all
Shall be taking my little fella to the vets .
He suffers from multiple allergies and now ive seen what looks like eczema on his tummy :confused:

enjoy what looks like a lovely day xxx

Morning all :slightly_smiling_face:

Goodness, what a change in the weather from yesterday! Raining and chilly here.

We are going to our daughter’s house for dinner later this afternoon, son in law has been given a date for his radiotherapy later this month.

Enjoy your day folks…

Nice n’ dry for my 3 mile jog/walk… :running_man: No records were broken this morning, but it was quite swift all the same. Got the weekly Tesco done with no holdup’s…Mrs Fox was out on her daily walk so I was shopping solo, no hindrance there then…Came home with lots of biscuits :sunglasses:
Rain just settling in for the day, and it’s so welcome after yesterday’s lawn feeding frenzy.
Couple of electronic circuits I’ve been meaning to investigate and sample, so its off into the workshop now…

Morning all. We have had a stroll up The Rig then we had a chat with our elderly neighbour. We got back home just before the rain started. Just a bit drizzly…

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Just had a walk to our local shop for pringles and chocolate for “er indoors” . Box communications wiring up a neighbours house ready for fibre optic communications. That is 3 of us now changing over from previous suppliers. BT must be loosing customers by the hundreds each day, no wonder they are increasing their prices