Good Morning - Wednesday 4th May 2022

Morning all.

Looked but didn’t see a current morning thread, so I’m starting one. Sorry if I missed an existing one.

Weather is still beautiful here. There was a bit of wind yesterday but that seems to have passed. I’m still hoping for some rain.

I’ve been enjoying the new tv show I found. The only thing is that a season and an episode were missing, making the timeline a little confusing.

I’ve been watching some fountain pen ink reviews and looking at some beautiful inks.

Hoping to get some good sleep later. The weather is good for it.

Have a fun and positive day!

Good afternoon butterscotch. Seems this has been overlooked.

Holly went for her groom today (looks lovely), and while she was being done, I did some shopping, got a takeaway lunch, collected her and went home for a few hours.

My boiler pressure needed topping up, so glad I did go home. Had to take some shopping indoors, and needed a few bits to bring back here.

We are now back at the caravan. She has been fed, is dozing on the furniture, and I am relaxing.


Star Wars Day!!

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May the Fourth be with you! :grin:


Thanks for explaining that. I was stumped until I read your post. :crossed_swords: (closest I could get to a laser saber)