Good Morning Wednesday, 2nd October 2924

Good morning all, very late today.

Funny weather today, rained overnight and was misty this morning but that burned off to a sunny warm day.

My youngest son visited so we went to the club for lunch, he brought down his dog who I will be looking after in November for a couple of weeks while he drives up to Darwin where he will live after Christmas.

I am not sure this is the best time of the year to go as it is coming up to wet season and humidity will start to rise. The good thing about Darwin is that the temperature is about 32 all year round the only reason you need a weather forcastis for rain and cyclones.

Have a fantastic Wednesday, take care



Him - Steak Sanga, Me - Beer Battered Hoki, both - Onion Rings


Good morning Bruce and all who follow my landline phone went down last night and took my WiFi with it so i’m writing this on my smartphone and its so fiddly and a pain in the rectum so my participation on the forum will be limited until BT can fix it.
They have promised it will be up and running before the 4th of October at the latest, so until then I’m stuck with Vodafone and this confounded piece of technology.
Can’t see why everybody raves about smartphones… :angry: