Good Morning Wednesday, 25th December 2024 - Christmas Day

Good morning on this lovely Christmas Day, 31° slight breeze and 20% humidity, perfect!

For me it is already arvo, we have eaten and are gorged. The food was delicious, the beer, wine and cocktails flowed as did the chat, we even fitted in a game of Exploding Kittens.. Later we will have the Christmas pudding and ice cream because at the moment we are far too full.

My daughter was up at 6.30am getting the smoker up to temp for the ribs and chicken wings while we got the table ready on the back patio.

Because there are no children present this year (they are all at my house in Wollongong) we had a secret Santa so everybody bought one gift and we had a sort of pass the parcel to decide who got what. It was a lot of fun.

Now for a quick nap before the activities recommence late arvo, let the afternoon heat disappear.

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and lots of presents.

Enjoy every minute. take care…


Good morning everyone on this very cold Christmas Day, happy to hear you enjoyed your meal @Bruce. I’m just about to start preparing ours for today, traditional chicken broth with meatballs and veggies (cardoons, I think they’re called??), with beaten eggs stirred in, chopped chicken and lots of parmesan. Then, I will make a Lasagne and my son and daughter have said that these two dishes will be more than enough, so I’ll cook the pork roast tomorrow, which is still a festive day.
Dessert will be Panettone, of course. :smiley:
A nice bottle of our local white wine too, Falanghina.

Wishing everyone a great Christmas Day.


Good morning all

the Carol Service at Church was lovely we switch the lights out and lit our candle.The Choir sang beautifully . It was my Sons Partner first Christian church service she had been to, and she enjoyed it that much , she wants to go every year …

When I got home I had been gifted from my daughter in law to be Parents enough Curry meals for 3 days !!.along with a Christmas Card , how kind of them , I put most in the Freezer cause today i’m having dinner at my Son and partners home .

The weather is light cloud and breeze with temps at 12c …,

Have a wonderful day everyone ,
Peace to all


MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE :santa: :christmas_tree:

This morning I have had a leisurely breakfast and opened my presents – I am beginning to get seriously worried about how people see me as the majority were wine and chocolates (they obviously think of me as a fat alcoholic!)

Plans for today are to, perhaps, take a walk to the local park and then eat too much and possibly have a glass or three of wine

Hope everyone has a truly wonderful day


Turkey cooking tip.

Make sure the end with the roast chestnuts are at the back of the oven. This way one can tell when the turkey is cooked. The explosions of the chestnuts will push the turkey against the oven glass door with such force the glass will break.

Oh an don’t forget to eat plenty of Brussel spouts. WHY? because later on in the day everyone in the same room will hear the benefits and get the rich aroma that goes with it

Have a great day


Good Morning and a very happy Christmas from Foxy…
A lovely walk to the church last night for midnight mass, very mild at 10 degrees C and a brilliant starry sky to ponder our place in the universe on the steady walk back home.
A glass of Harvey’s before finally climbing under the duvet at 1:30am…
It’s strange to hear Bruce’s account of his Christmas day when mine hasn’t started yet, now I know how Surfermom must feel…
Mrs Fox is hogging the bathroom trying to pretty herself up for the impending Christmas dinner at a posh hotel in town and wondering why the dress she wore last year has shrunk when it hasn’t been out of the wardrobe…
The family will be visiting for tea and I might suggest a game of something…With all the smartphone activity, that will probably go down like a lead balloon…
Catch yer all when all the excitement has died down…
:mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :mini: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE :slight_smile: :christmas_tree: :santa:


Merry Christmas everyone!

It’s just so nice to be quiet and mellow :christmas_tree:
We’ll be having a selection of hot savoury party snacks for lunch with cheese and crackers etc. The turkey, stuffing etc will be consumed with gusto this evening, just nibbling on olives and sipping on a Guinness export at the moment!

I’ve never heard of Falanghina before Rose…I shall be looking that one up :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a lovely day people! :christmas_tree::snowman_with_snow:


A stroll with the wee dog then my dear wife is completing the cooking then my sister is arriving for the meal.

Happy Christmas y’all !!


Mr & Mrs d00d have both been up since 07:30 to chat with Australia on Skype, out and about, just had early lunch of English breakfast made with Polish streaky, Portuguese black pudding and egg from England presumably: no booze. Dinner is served at 6ish: Squid frozen from Portugal, baked in the oven with potatoes, whole garlic cloves and fresh coriander, a couple of glasses of red.

Merry Christmas everyone. Be good.


Good morning and merriest of Christmases!

I am sitting here with Vince Guaraldi’s Christmas album to keep my company with a cup of chai, and my resident pelican, “Gary” (according to my son), who outside circling overhead between dive bombs for mullet. The sky has that soft blue hue that comes with winter skies here.

Looking at the hearth, I notice that Santa brought several old board games - Parchesi, Sorry, Password and Family Charades, so we’ll take the old man’s hint at nostalgia and have family game day later (no phones aloud). The fondue pots, chopping boards, and knives are standing by for a workout, and the cinnamon rolls, which turned out just right, are warming in the oven. There is a story or two about baking and cooking not going as planned around here, so I am breathing a sigh of relief about that.

It’s so nice to read about everyone’s Christmas :blush: :christmas_tree: I wish you nice memories made and remembered!


Hello Everybody :christmas_tree: Merry Christmas :snowman_with_snow:


Off to my Daughters & her partners soon for my Christmas dinner. We have an evening meal. Partner cooks it & we clear up. Hope all are having a brilliant Christmas Day.


It’s a white-grape variety produced in our Campania region and specifically in the provinces of Benevento/Avellino. It’s probably not easy to find abroad, because of the huge popularity of other wines from Northern/Central regions, which are obviously fabulous - we’ve beaten the French now, for quality/taste! :laughing:. Our Southern varieties are very good, too, you have my word for it. :grin:


I’m sorely tempted Rose! I’ll do a little more reading up, something to try on new year’s eve perhaps.


Very interesting article, Fiona seems a very intelligent person who knows what she’s talking about when it comes to wine. Ten out of ten for her! :+1: :smiley:
If you like fish dishes @Chilliboot, Falanghina goes down very well. :grin:

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