Good Morning Wednesday 24th May 2023

Morning all!

Weather cooled yesterday with a bit of clouds. So nice for this time of year. Trying to catch up on sleep from the disturbance yesterday. Catching up on some shows.

No plans for today.

Have a good day everyone.

Good morning!

Another bright sunny day
I’ve picked up a leaflet about an over 50s social group that meets at the cricket club on Wednesday mornings, so I’ll go and see what they’re doing
Nothing much planned for the rest of the day

Morning all, beautiful and sunny here in Suffolk.

Off out this morning to Gorleston.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning , sunny here too , food delivery today ,thats all the excitement for me today.
enjoyed a walk round the fields last evening , we counted 4 Hares galloping about ,
Since the farmer put a gate to the entrance they seem more relaxed .

Hare coursing and fly tippers had become a problem for this particular field .Such a shame for the farmer who had a Bench for people to sit and watch the sunsets .

Have a good day all

Good morning all, another lovely sunny day, I’m going out in the garden to read my book this afternoon, once I’ve done my jobs

Hope you get a good nap in @butterscotch and the social club is good @zuludog and you enjoy Goglestone @ susiejaegar

The problem with hare coursing @Eliza is not just the cruelty to wild life but also the riff raff and criminal people it brings into the area

Have a lovely day everyone who comes in next xxx

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Today is yesterdays tomorrow. nice and sunny here at the moment and just got up.

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I’m bit disappointed this morning. If I answer the question on the forum and it only ends up upsetting people. Then I’ll have to reconsider if I want this type of interaction in my golden years!!!

I simply answered based on the future’s possibilities. If you’re going to chew my head off for it.


Butter, I have the disturbance today. Music so loud from next door it is all over their house and into the garden. I have no escape.

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