Yesterday was the quiet day I was hoping for on Monday. I was/am exhausted. Some of these issues feel so relentless. Overall though I’m feeling pretty grateful.
I got a good idea while writing my morning pages. They have been more helpful than I would have thought.
I’m completely hooked (which I’m happy about) on the TV show Everwood. I like that feeling when you know the characters and the story line feels compelling. I stayed up late watching because it was getting to an interesting part at bedtime.
The weather was sunny today with some clouds later in the day. Very nice.
Today is still up in the air. I’m hoping to do a store delivery order soon.
Morning all,
glad you had a much better day butterscotch.
New car Jazzi lovely ,dont get too carried away with the shopping.
I was suppose to look after a couple little uns for an hour this afternoon but not needed now.
Got to go to town later , hopefully change an item thats faulty! Birthday Present for a best friend too
which i bought before Xmas. Right gotta get on with some housework. Have a good day everyone.
Good morning!
The last two storms have been and gone, now it’s just a bit windy, but no rain and even the sun is breaking through
Just general tidying & pottering today
I bought a load of food on Monday, so I need to sort it and plan & make meals for the next few days … catch up with a few letters & emails … do some washing
Hi, All. Goodness knows what’s being done next door, but workmen are drilling outside next doors house & it sounds as if its coming through my walls. She didn’t say anything to me about it either. Made me jump out of my skin the first time I heard it this morning. Our houses being attached & split level I can hear the noise everywhere. If it carry’s on for much longer I’m gonna get a headache.
Good afternoon, good folks. Still windy but not as bad. Our friend a few doors down from us has had to make a trip and had to leave her little dog with us. She gets along with us: