Good Morning Wednesday 24 November

Good morning everyone! :wave:

Lashing down with rain here and horribly mild. I have a day of paperwork today, and a meeting with the housing later over zoom. Other than that, not really much planned apart from usual chores and food shopping. Terribly boring! :joy:

Have a lovely day everybody :smiley:

Good Morning everyone,

Very cold here today. Working in the Craft Room and waiting for a couple of deliveries.

Soup and sandwich planned for lunch, Chicken with Yorkshire pud, carrots and cauliflower cheese planned for dinner.

Have a fun day.

Good morning to you Pixie, Tabby, and to all to follow later…

Milder here this morning and just back from a smashing walk through the forest with the hounds. Not much planned, just cooking cottage pie for lunch and then I’ve got the photo comp to sort out this afternoon, so an easy day really.

Have a pleasant day everyone :blush:

Morning all.

Cold here, so need to wrap up for dog walk shortly. Just finishing breakfast.

An easy day for me. Might even take my book back to bed a little later.

Bit overcast here but going to be a good day I feel I am off work today may go to Asda and do a shop but to be honest may hold off till I am holiday week after next and therefore changing the day of my monthly shop EXCITING eh?

I am going to do one of the 20 minute chef challenges from Professional MasterChef today will be Poussin part of my thought pattern is I look at lots of different veg and fruit and do not buy get my usual oranges apples etc but they use fruit and veg in ways I would be happy to try.

Good morning everybody.

I’m meeting my friend Chris later & we’re off to the pictures to see ‘Spencer.’
As we’re going to the lunch time showing we will pack a picnic to eat while watching the film.

Chris & I love having a picnic in the pictures.

I think the last film I saw at the cinema was Bohemian Rhapsody…

Have a good day all…

Hello and good morning OFF :wave:

Cold, damp and heavily overcast here brrrrrrr!

Good morning all.
Grey, cold, and miserable - and the weather’s the same. :smiley:

Got a busy morning, must get tidied up ready for visitors, then a GP appointment this afternoon, and need to get some shopping done in between.

Don’t like the sound of these severe gales forecast for Frid/Sat, do you. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Still wet but a bit warmer.

A cyclone in the Indian Ocean is now feeding La Nina mosture from the Pacific Ocean. Interesting but miserable. Floods and cold to come, still waiting for spring.

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: dull and overcast here…

Expecting an Electrician to call today between 9 and 10am … still waiting! Fingerdrum

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Good morning all. It’s a warm 46°F with a promise to go all the way to 47°F as the day progresses. :sun_with_face: :sun_behind_large_cloud:

Good morning everyone :smiley: a cold damp day .
I have done the essentials bathroom/kitchen floor etc and am going to darn my jumpers after lunch all cosy sitting under my rug.
I hate the winter.

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