Good Morning Wednesday, 23rd October 2024

Good morning to you all on this warm but overcast day, at 10am it was 26° in my garden, a perfect temperature in my opinion.

What have I done this morning? three parts of bugger all.

So far I made a quick trip to the Chemist to get a couple of repeat prescriptions, a visit to my PO Box and re-potted a little cactus. I think I spent more time chatting to the lady in charge of the PO Boxes than anything else I have done today. I did spend some time just sitting in the garden doing absolutely nothing just enjoying the warm air.

Yep, that is it so far - not very exciting.

I hope you have been busier because I think a walk might end up being a highlight of my day :frowning:

Enjoy your Wednesday whatever it holds for you.


Morning all - dry and sunny this morning, although temperature is only forecast to reach 14c

Bruce, did you manage to get together with your good friend Charles before he left Australia?

Now the weather is getting colder my bedroom windows are steamed up in the mornings (not for any fun reasons!) so I bought a dehumidifier yesterday, didn’t make any difference this morning but will give it a few more days to see if things improve

My neighbour called in for a coffee yesterday morning and brought in some home made cupcakes. I did miss them while they were away (the cakes not the neighbours!).

I do wonder where the local radio station get their presenters! This morning they mentioned the fact that clocks go back this weekend – and they couldn’t work out whether it meant gaining or losing an hour! I may be able to get a job there myself as I am definitely losing it! Monday I didn’t recognise my hairdresser when I bumped into her in the supermarket and last night I left the sitting room light on all night!

Still not started the exercises the physio suggested I do - I may summon up the energy to start those today!

Take care - have a great day


Good morning - Yippee! A CT scan of the thorax, pelvis and abdomen today. I shouldn’t grumble. I’m being well looked-after by the NHS. A pity things weren’t cottoned onto sooner but there we go.

It’s not at the hospital where can catch the bus to. It’s a local health centre. The main problem will be parking. Mrs mart insists on coming along on these appointments, so at least we get the concessional parking (blue badge). Even so, these are at a premium. Then there’s the paying machine that we always have trouble with. Charges are waived when the badge is scanned …if you can get the blinkin’ machine’s barcode scanner to pickup on the badge’s code. Sigh.

The weather is dry and calm, so at least we won’t get wet. Have a good day. :slight_smile:

Edit: Scan done and back home again. Got there early and got done early, so not too bad. Only a slight battle with the parking machine. :slight_smile:


A cold mist surrounded the fields and visibility was down to about a quarter mile as we made our way to Tesco early on, it’s in the next village so we drive out into the country on the way, and we sometimes see some amazing sunrises over to the east. Not this morning though, we were a bit too early.
It’s usually a rest day today, but I decided to do my walk when we returned home. Legs were a bit cold this morning so had to do a bit of jogging, and someone following me down Moor Lane was quite annoying so probably did more jogging than I intended to. I can’t let my mind wander if there are distractions, and I kept thinking about the dark figure behind me…
Anyway, by the time I left the canal towpath they were well out of sight…
Yep @SheilaP we’ve got a dehumidifier and if the humidity goes above 60% I usually let it run for a couple of hours. There was also condensation on my bedroom window for the same reasons as you, just the cold and damp this morning. Nothing happens in my bedroom other than a good nights sleep.
Back doors been sticking just lately, something to do with the catch, so I’ll take it to bits and investigate the gubbins now…
Ta Ra…

I forgot to mention the Pea and Pie Supper at the Church Hall on Saturday night.
Excellent food but the entertainment left a bit to be desired…Some folks fell asleep, but the average age of attendees was about 85…

I don’t go into town very often but on Monday I visited the audiologist and parked in the multi-storey car park on the top floor. The views are brilliant. This one is a picture of Doncaster Prison in the foreground (best seen from the car park and not from the inside) with Cusworth Hall in the distance.

Doncaster is a principle station on the Kings Cross to Edinburgh line…


WD-40 maybe?