Good Morning Wednesday 23rd August 2023

Morning all!

Got some sleep yesterday. :sleeping: I’m slowly catching up. A couple more days would be nice.

I went outside at night and think I saw a falling star. :star:

Today’s plans are uncertain. I’m waiting to see how the weather goes and whether I can get more sleep.

Have a good day everyone.

Morning all.

Shopping this morning. Then will see later if I feel like the allotment again.

Quiet one side, as the NfH are still away, but the two boys on the other are a nightmare, with their running about.

Good morning all, another sunny day here.

Off to Gorleston this morning.

Look at it this way Janet, only 2 weeks and the kids will be back at school.

Have a nice day all.


Good Morning All.

A dreary, damp day forecast.

An unusual time here in sleepy Shrewsbury, a murder and two serious stabbings in 3 days, the Police are swamping that part of town, leaving the yobs to run riot elsewhere.

Paula came yesterday, did the aquarium, cooked me meals for 4 days, a good day.

My professional specialist helper is back from holiday, so life is good.

I hope you all have a lovely day.

Yup, soooooo looking forward to that!

Good morning all
Nothing to report here,
Have a good day .

Good morning!
Dull & drizzly

Into town this morning for a few errands - bank, make an eye test appointment, bit of shopping
Nothing much planned for the afternoon

Good morning all on this beautiful blue sky day .
Ironing and packing day ready for a holiday in North Wales
Weather forecast :sweat_drops: oh well !
Enjoy your day.xx

Morning all

Steady rain here.

Off out for breakfast & a catch up then the World is my Oyster.


Enjoy your holiday.

It will be very busy over the Bank Holiday.

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Good Morning from Foxy’s Gouty world… :frowning_face:
Not been a good few days for me, no walking, cycling or running. In fact I haven’t felt like doing anything, not even on the forum…did you miss me?..
Anyway, it’s getting better now and have planned to go out on the bike tomorrow if it’s not raining. Went to see the doctor and he gave me some steroids to take for five days. Personally I think it was going all on it’s own, but he is sending me for a blood test when it’s better and will probably prescribe Allopurinol to reduce the uric acid in my blood.