Good Morning Wednesday 23/11/2022

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Good morning all, hope everyone is well.

Not going out today.

Don’t know what the weather is going to be like, it looks brighter.

Have a nice day all.

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Morning Susie, and all to follow.

It will rain in a couple of hours, but should clear later. (Hark at me, sounding like a weather announcer, lol.)

I’ll probably stay at home, too, in between dog walks.

Good morning!

It’s wet, miserable, raining & cold here at the moment, and looks like it will be set in for the day
But I have a couple of errands to do in town so I’ll just get wrapped up and do them
In fact I’ve just dug out a big coat that I haven’t worn since the end of spring

Then back home for dinnertime, a bit of tidying & pottering about; might even get under the duvet for an hour or so this afternoon

Rather inclement today. No long walks…:frowning:

Wet and windy here as well

@susiejaeger What a lovely photo very bright and smiley picture.

Photo was taken in Alburgh, Kazz.

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Mornin’ to you too!
Out of interest, which part of Canada are you from? I have seen a bit of it from Halifax to Vancouver Island.

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Hi Besoeker

I live in New Brunswick.

Thankyou Meglondon. A little travel tale about Vancouver Island. I booked into my hotel there. The receptionist greeted me by my first name - caused me to do a double take. She had recently immigrated - from the very street I lived in Watford, UK. Coincidence…

That really is a coincidence! Life can be so interesting sometimes. Vancouver looks like a nice place to live, if you’ve got the money of course. lol

Yes, and it was quite mild. I also went to Collingwood about 100 miles north of Toronto. I had a project on the Great Lakes in winter. It was a wee bit chilly at -20C overnight.!

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lol I’ll bet it was some cold!