Got a financial task done that’s been on my list for a while.
There was a huge thunderstorm, lots of rain and lots of sun too.
Had a great chat on the phone.
I hit day 21 of morning pages. Still not committed to them but 21 days is the mythical day that habits are born. It’s not actually true but it was a popular belief for a long time.
Today’s plans are still up in the air. Looking forward to the winter solstice.
The postie tried to deliver a parcel to me yesterday but I was in the cafe, so I have to wait in today for it. Argh!! Hoping he won’t be late in the day, so I can pop out.
Got my car insurance renewal today. Just over £600. Next January I hope to get comparison quotes as the period following my two claims will have expired. When I tried for a reduction last year they weren’t having any of it. Or was it the year before? I know I asked when the penalty would come to an end.