Well, it’s good afternoon from me and good morning to you.
I am continuing my travels across country and have reached Hay on the oh so monotonous Hay Plain. It must be the agriculture that makes it monotonous because deserts are far more interesting. The cotton harvest must be coming in because you could knit a T shirt every 100 metres from the cotton lying by the side of the road, it looked like it had snowed.
I was musing on OGFs comment about driving long distances - I think it is all down to the amount of traffic. The last time I visited the UK I hated driving, you were always in traffic, there was always someone in front of you and always someone behind even driving across Yorkshire’s Moors. Whereas here you can drive for hours and overtake one or two vehicles or be overtaken by the same number, you are rarely driving behind another vehicle for any length of time. (BTW cities are the same worldwide - driving hell)
I shall drive into Hay itself later for fuel and a meal.
Howdy from the US. That sound surreal Bruce, the only place comparable would have been west Texas driving in the desert region. It’s a way of life here to have someone in front of me, behind me, sometimes on both sides… during rush hour traffic. I now only get to enjoy that environment a couple of days thanks to a hybrid schedule.
I must google Hay a little later, that place looked green yet didn’t have traffic.
Nothing much planned tomorrow short of a day of work. Hoping to get out Saturday and go into the non metro areas.
Good morning all!
A misty start to the day, a slightly hazy view over the green opposite. Thundery showers forecast for later. Oh well, if it’s going to rain may as well have a little drama thrown in.
Not a great deal planned for today, I’m waiting for a date for induction with The Royal Mail, they just want a few images of right to work in the UK documents sent to them which I’ll do, handy things these smartphones
Got to run the Wahl clippers over my head later, can’t go around looking like some kind of damn hippy!
It’s a misty start here too , weather forecast for today hmmm rain.
Yesterday spent a lovely day at the Vyne a N.T property , perfect picnic weather …was that our summer !
Morning all – heavy rain overnight, cold and grey but dry this morning although, guess what, more rain forecast for this afternoon and tonight – not sure but I think I am getting webbed feet!
Talking to my neighbour yesterday about mobile phones, he said he has his set so that only certain numbers can connect during the night. Surprisingly he said my number was one of them – he said in case I need help urgently – isn’t that kind! I really am lucky with my neighbours
Still not managed to book my blood test – called into the surgery to find a long queue, the person in front of me said she had been waiting 10 minutes! I gave up and will try ringing again this morning.
Morning all.
I love the first day of May - for me it is the true beginning of spring and the promise of warmer weather to come.
There already seems to be a positive change in the temperature - enough for me to put the thermal underwear away in a drawer until the end of the year. (Our summers are really not long enough!)
Anyway viewing a property this afternoon - although i honestly think it would be a lot cheaper to decorate than to move house.
We’ll see!
Good Morning From Foxy’s World…
Had a splendid day Trig hunting yesterday, wasn’t the weather beautiful…
Meandered around the North Yorkshire Wolds and parked in a lane. The nearest I could get to my first trig of the day. It was a two mile hike up a fairly steep hill and is part of the Wolds Way, a 79 mile walk starting in Hull and finishing on the Brigg at Filey.
Fairly easy to find between two fields. Wold Barn TP 7013
Because there were some walks involved I only planned to do two today, and the second one was a drive down a private road past a farm. I found a useful entrance to a field and parked there. I hope the farmer doesn’t need to be in there. I followed a dense hedgerow past the farm and alongside two fields. The trig was almost invisible tucked inside a prickly hawthorn hedge…Croom Acre TP 2615
Time was ebbing away and I was in the middle of nowhere and possibly obstructing the farmer getting into his field, so I made my escape.
Following the A165 Scarborough to Bridlington road I pulled into a layby to call Mrs Fox with the results of search, and I couldn’t believe my eyes…There in front of the car was a trig point…
Unfortunately it was inside a heavily fenced Yorkshire Water property, and after doing a recce of the compound there was no way in…So I had to be satisfied with a photo through the fence and I just couldn’t see the number…
I did actually know of it’s existence, but after reading posts by other trig hunters I decided it would be off limits so didn’t include it on my list. If the engineer is visiting the site, he will give you access to the trig for photos and number reading.
Rest day today and catch up with the records…
Sorry I meant to reply but forgot. I have seen movies of people on road trips through deserted parts of the USA and the roads do look similarly empty.
I had to look up Texas and it has about about 4 million more than the population of Australia but is about a quarter the size of Western Australia - at least according to my Googling. I have an old friend from when I lived in the UK who lives in Texas, a place called Richardson.
The is a town called Texas on the Queensland/NSW border used to be a centre for rabbit hunting in the good old days when the meat and fur was sought after. I went there a few years ago.
Thanks Bruce, I have been using the smartphone for downloading maps and visiting a website for other trig hunters who post descriptions and photos of all the trig points they have visited. Very useful for finding them. This is the site that I post my tally of found trig points under the name of ‘OldGreyFox’
I also had a book for logging railway locomotives, but it didn’t seem as interesting with the introduction of Diesels.
I downloaded a copy of the official Ordnance Survey listing all of the trigs in the UK, but I deleted everything that wasn’t a pillar. It’s left me with just over 6000 but due to logistical and health problems I won’t be doing any Scottish ones, so that narrows it down a bit further.
The list was too big to download, but here is a map that I am working to. I think I might limit my search to Yorkshire in the first instance and see how I get on.
Now I am curious about Texas to Australia. I’ve been in Texas almost all my life and this year was only the 2nd time I’ve had the opportunity to go west enough into the dessert…with intent. I have traveled outside of Texas, and with all its uniqueness, and hot temperatures recent summer, still home for now. I believe both of my kids will be moving out of the state in 2 years, and maybe I can get my mom to move with me, I might venture out for residency.