Good Morning Wednesday, 19th March 2025

Good morning to all you fellow, fulsome, forum, freaks and freakesses, at the moment it is overcast but forecast to be in the mid 20s, 25° is the perfect Goldilocks temperature in my opinion.

The last few days have been more successful than I thought. The final additions to the camper completed and everything repacked and in place for my May trip.

The latest addition is ugly I know, but made from bits I already had except for the end caps and they were only a couple of bucks each (its 90mm PVC drain pipe, if I was buying new probably 100mm would have been better). If I get to dislike it, just as easy to remove - it holds the poles for my TV aerial which I rarely use and get in the way. There is room for a few other small bits and pieces too.

Even better, I also had success with a couple of older laptops, that I like very much. I think they were the peak of Lenovo’s designs, a Thinkpad T470 and a Thinkpad T420s. The former complements this Dell but the latter, older one is still fast, runs Windows 11 easily and has a delightful old fashioned keyboard.

I was at a loss what to do with it until I was using the spare desktop I use for my grandkids and torrents and which is old, frustratingly slow, causes a lot of bad language and doesn’t like WIN11 at all. To cut a long story short I found a way (actually very easy) of transferring all the torrent data to the laptop, reorganising the laptop setup so it doesn’t shut down when on mains power and all is suddenly sweetness and light. Am feeling quite smug :icon_wink:.

Not sure what the rest of the day holds, perhaps a supermarket visit for more milk, that is always on the cards, perhaps reorganise the garage/workshop a bit, who knows?

Have a lovely Wednesday whatever you are doing.

Take care…



Good Morning Bruce.

I really do enjoy your posts, they are exactly the life I wanted to have.

Please do keep posting about your Travels.

You keep me and others happy with your Posts.

I lead a different life now., stay on my hospital bed until the Carers come.

Absolutely no way that will that happen.

I have a Bacon Butty to get ready.

Have a great day all,


Good morning everyone, another very cold day in store for us today, that’s why I’ve just eaten some hot porridge for breakfast! :grin:
It’s St. Joseph’s Day today and also Father’s Day.
A bit sad for me because my husband is no longer here to receive presents for me and our kids. :cry:
We’re going to my parents’ house for lunch, my dad’s 91, I’ve bought him a box of chocolates. He likes a nibble every now and then. :smiley:
We’re also going to have the traditional “zeppole” for dessert, which everyone eats on this special day, bought from the pastry shop, a bit tricky to make. :grinning: They’re made with choux pastry covered in a thick pastry cream, topped with a black cherry in syrup. Delicious! They can be fried or oven-baked.

Have a good day everyone.


Good morning all

A sunny blue sky day here , temps are rising this week , I hope they here to stay .

@Rose2 those pastries look nice , I think I could manage one of those ,

Ive nothing planned for today , Have a good day all .


Morning all – another bright sunny start to the day

The beast returned to form and left me a little gift by the radiator this morning! Despite the sunshine she refused to leave the house

The meeting with my old friend yesterday went very well – 3 hours flew by – she then had to leave to collect her dog from the groomers. It was good to catch up.

Today I am off into town to meet another friend who I haven’t seen for a couple of months.

Take care – have a great day


Good morning!
Bright clear, sunny

I should really get out for a walk, but I’ve had a few domestic jobs to do for a while, and they are bugging me, as we used to say
So I’ll just get my head down and work through them; even at my speed I should have them all done today, then I can face the future and the rest of the world with a clear conscience
They include, but are not limited to (I have a friend who is a lawyer) -

Changing my car insurance, from Churchill to Admiral
Making a list of recent blood glucose levels and blood pressure readings for my Diabetes Specialist Nurse
Fitting a handle to a wood carving rasp


Good Morning Everyone from Foxy’s world… :red_car:
It’s that time again, to get the motor ready for it’s first MOT and service tomorrow.
The good news is that my swollen toe hasn’t got any worse, in fact, I spent most of the day yesterday cleaning the motor and it seemed to ease up. I took an Ibuprofen just before going to bed last night and slept like a baby…Thumb’s a bit wrinkled this morning though… :grin:
So on Tesco day I slept in…and have spent the morning catching up with shopping, showering and breakfasting…I intend to go out and do some more scrubbing and rubbing on the motor…I’ve already made a start…

I just couldn’t ignore the clear sky and warm sun beating down…Jobs seem to take on a more relaxed approach these days… :sunglasses:
That’s good innovative work @Bruce just what I’d expect from you… :+1:
Are you at home now @swimfeeders ? I guessed you were cos they don’t do bacon butties in hospital… :009: More’s the pity… :icon_rolleyes:
Oh @Rose2 I’ll be glad when technology is such that you will be able to send one of those cakes by transporter like on ‘Star Trek’… :astonished:
Starship Enterprise

You and me both @Eliza I’m just on my way to relax in the sun and get the legs brown…
No fusses from the beast this morning then @SheilaP I’m surprised she doesn’t want to go out in the sun. Our Maddy cat would lay in it all day, either out in the garden, or on the windowsill.

Housework can wait when the sun is out @zuludog It’s not like it shows it’s face everyday. The jobs will still be there tomorrow…

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New Washing Machine being delivered tomorrow.
Rock and Roll Party 8pm.


I do enjoy the Good Morning threads it is so nice to hear what people are doing with their day all over the world, in different climates and different situations. Quite fascinating, I wish more would join in.

Life is not without its frustrations for me either, everything takes far too long and involves a lot of recovery sitting down but nothing like your condition however your mind is as sharp as ever.

Oh gawd, those cakes look delicious and to think I had a hot dog for lunch :frowning_with_open_mouth:

It is so unusual for cats to make a mess, they are usually so tidy, I really am surprised. On the other hand having a good neighbour is worth its weight in gold.

I finally got round to washing off a blob of bird poo that has been on my car’s bonnet since my trip to Jindabyne, normally it would have to wait for the cars annual wash but I was enthused with success today and had a wet rag.

Your chair is very similar to the camp chair I have been carrying about with me on trips but I have bought a smaller lighter chair which I tried out on that last trip. They both have different advantages but I will have to decide which to take with me.

Am not sure I would class my work as “innovative”, I suspect my kids think I am just trying to justify my hoarding of all the useful junk I accumulate.

Lucky you! After decades of using my old machine my new LG washing machine is a joy to use. It even plays tunes and beeps at me (god knows why?). I say new but have had it a few months. It’s another top loader though, I just upend the clothes basket into it. I have never owned a front loader so perhaps my “fears” of all that bending down are unjustified.


I find a Front Loader useful, when TV is boring.
Its more entertaining watching your underwear being Bleached. And no Adverts. :wink:
:rofl: All the way 2 the next cyclitic Programme.

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Alas, as much as I appreciate the clear lid on my washing machine I have yet to use its clarity to watch my washing as it gyrates in what I am sure are captivating motions. Sadly in my house, like the tree falling in the forest, they go unnoticed.

Or perhaps I just watch less TV?