Good Morning Wednesday, 18th December 2024

Good morning to a much cooler day, it started off overcast but that has given way to sunshine with temps in mid 20s, very pleasant.

last night’s severe weather didn’t eventuate, in fact it didn’t even rain, the clouds in the distance looked impressive but it all fizzled out into nothing.

Pity in a way as, once again, we desperately need rain.
This morning I had to go to the pathology place in my street for my now regular PSA blood test. Didn’t realise they wanted a urine sample too so I had to go back for that :frowning_face:

Set my washing machine off before I went so the clothes are now on the line. Unusually for her, my daughter accidentally left some clothes behind so I decided to wash them before I drive up there for Christmas.

That is probably all the exciting things I have instore for today :frowning_with_open_mouth: Only a week until Christmas!!! My Grandkids arrive on Friday arvo. My middle son might miss Christmas with them as his ship could be sent to Vanuatu to help with the recovery there (don’t know yet)

Have a good day, take care


Good morning!
Miserable weather - cold, dull, low cloud, heavy rain, but not much wind, and not too cold for the time of year.

I haven’t been Posting on here for a couple of weeks or so because, really, there has been nothing much to report
Just shopping & cleaning & tidying … and dozing.
Also I’ve been feeling a bit sniffly & tired, though nothing too bad

I’ve done most of my Christmas shopping now, and stocking up for winter, apart from fresh food
And I’ve also paid a couple of dentist’s bills, so I had intended going into town today to get a bank mini statement and double check on my current account, but in this weather it can wait till tomorrow

So instead it’s more pottering, though I might get under the duvet for a couple of hours and catch up with the pile of 8 or 9 unread books that have been hanging around for months


I’m out of breath trying to rush to write in the good morning thread but unfortunately it will have to be ‘Good Afternoon’ instead. I bet you always write in the afternoon Bruce?
Had to do a solo Tesco shop this morning as Mrs Fox had an early appointment for her nails. Not much you can do to spice things up when you’ve got hands like a bricklayer…
It’s been very windy through the night but warm at 14 degrees C, it keeps coming over very dark but no rain as yet. I think it’s forecast for this evening. We’ve had surprisingly little rain this year, with previous years having floods in November and December.
This was last year…

And again in 2019 when the river Don burst it’s banks…

And again in 2018 it washed all this rubbish down from Sheffield…


Hello all ,

Ive been trying to sort out my toilet system which has been running constantly into the bowl , now had to switch the water supply off to it .

Trying to fix it myself , dont want to pay a plumber , , the outlet is on tight so got to wait for Son to get the problem out and measure the rubber seal … It will save me £££s.

Its very Mild here but also very windy , blowing bins about , good drying day ,not had many of them recently …

Just hand delivered my Christmas cards ,posted one yesterday hope that arrives before Christmas .

Enjoy your day everyone


Aww, that would be shame, but I am sure that his ship’s assistance would be a welcome sight. I understand that there was a lot of damage.

If I recall correctly, that area is near a subduction fault line, but a 7.3 at 35 miles deep is incredible! I suppose a massive part of the subducting crust finally slipped past a crust edge above it.

How nice that you dropped them off yourself! We seem to be growing more distant from each other every year.

Heavenly, @zuludog Zuludog. I hope you are quickly feeling 100%.

Those are most interesting photos, @OldGreyFox. As a river dweller, floods and rain patterns are ever on my mind.

Oh, and you are going to have to purchase Mrs. OGF a very, very - very - thoughtful and expensive Christmas present, now that I have the blackmail to make sure that happens :sunglasses:.

Now this is more like it for a winter day! The fog lifted early, exposing blue-green vistas for most of my run. I am breaking no speed records, but it sure feels good to be out there despite a cranky knee complaining a little bit along the way.

I stayed up into the wee hours working on the end-of-year financials and recordkeeping required by my state for our building association. I kept thinking that it is a sad statement on humanity that we create jobs for people to make rules and regulations that cause other (unpaid) people (victims :face_with_spiral_eyes:) like me to do work that is stuffed into file folders that won’t be opened again until, long after my death, some other person (victim) caught up in the cycle will dump into the trash.

Those thoughts were fleeting though, and it made for quite a nice marathon with 1940s Christmas music playing, the Christmas tree lit, the dogs curled up around the room, and everyone else blissfully asleep.

Alas the sun and everyone is now up and the duties of house and hearth call :sunny:.

Have a nice day!


Checking in this evening on the morning thread, as I’m finally feeling a little better. Just getting over an awfully aggressive virus, high fever for three days, terrible cough, voice almost gone. :neutral_face:
Doc says it isn’t the seasonal flu, hope not, I’ve had the flu jab! :roll_eyes:
I’ve missed these last few days of sunshine, being stuck indoors, I could hardly get up, and obviously it’s going to turn rainy from tomorrow. What rotten luck! :slightly_frowning_face:
I’ve been binge watching Christmassy romantic films while lying around, I’ve just finished re-watching “Love Actually”, had forgotten how long it was, this is a good one though, not just a soppy movie, perhaps because of all the great actors starring in it.

Have a good evening everyone.
My son’s been really good, cooking meals and not going out much, I love the way youngsters nowadays have their phones on hand, while cooking, concentrating on the menu or tutorials :smile:


Don’t know why but the final lines in my post came out in the wrong order :thinking:


have you put a shilling inn the leccie


Good evening - A dull and drizzly day but it mattered little. I was in hospital for much of it having the nephrostomy tube changed. Only a 30 minute job but for some reason, I had a hospital bed and the care and procedure that goes with it. All done anyway.

Time for a beer or maybe a Baileys coffee. :beer: :slight_smile:


Now there’s thought !


Sorry, what do you mean? I’ve been away too long. :woman_shrugging:

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It was the old British currency before decimalisation. The old pennies, shillings…
A Pound was 240 pennies.


Thanks @Besoeker, yes I know shillings, I don’t remember them as I was too young but my parents told me about them.
I don’t know leccie?


Yes, slang - it’s electricity.


I usually post between 11 and noon AEDT but probably at least once a week I post about 1 or 2 pm, it really depends what I am doing or how busy I am making myself. I console myself with the fact that in WA (AWST) it is still morning until 3pm (they don’t do this stupid daylight saving business)

Am writing this at 7.30am Thursday morning for example.


Oh right, thanks, I didn’t know that.

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But I ought to - electrical engineering is what I did…)


You asked the question that was bouncing around in the “does not compute” portion of my brain. :upside_down_face:

Glad you are feeling better and well done to your son! :smiley:


Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling under the weather Rose, viruses don’t come around very often but when they do it’s impossible to do anything. Look after yourself, pour a stiff drink and wrap up warm…

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Thank you @Surfermom.