Good Morning Wednesday 17th July 2024

I’m a bit late to the party today I had to visit the specialist for the results of my MRI but it’s a very Good Morning from me this arvo. Better late than never eh?

Next Tuesday I have to go into hospital for a biopsy, I blame @Mart I am sure I caught it from him. :wink:

At least the wind has died down, I set off this morning wearing my puffer jacket and ended up carrying it home, the temps went from a bloody freezing 10° to not so bloody freezing 19° while I was out.

Hope you all have a lovely day, be good, or at least careful.


Morning all – bright sunshine this morning with more promised for tomorrow! :sunny:

Well I have safely returned from the wilds of the Isle of Wight! Trip didn’t start well – coach got a flat tyre and we were stuck in Salisbury for 4 hours waiting for someone to come and change it and didn’t get to the hotel until after 8.30 pm! Things improved after that and I met some lovely people. The homeward journey was uneventful but I was so tired when the coach finally dropped me at home that I almost forgot my suitcase! In fact I was so shattered that when I finally went to bed I not only forgot to set the alarm but also forgot to lock the door! :yawning_face:

Plans for today is to catch up with laundry and some grocery shopping - how exciting!

Had text from my neighbour – he has fixed my car, :038: his wife has also baked cakes which I will receive today - how lucky am I with my neighbours!


Morning everyone… :039:
The visit to Whitby went well, I always enjoy the drive although it’s a bit far just for the day, unless you set off at silly o clock…Setting off at 9:00 am we arrived at midday after a stop off in Scarborough. Car park cost me £6.60 for four hours…Nearly a tenner for longer… :open_mouth:
And setting off for home any later than 4:00 pm would mean going to bed late…
The fish and chip lunch at the Magpie was delicious, as usual, and then it was a visit to all the shops (it’s in Mrs Fox’s genes, and my daughters, not to pass a shop without looking in) on the way back to the car… :slightly_frowning_face:
Not the kind of day out I would have chose…

An interesting little ginnel…

An early visit to Tesco, and one of the staff was telling us about three lads entering the store on their bikes and doing wheelies around the isles, and just before we arrived this morning, a couple of blokes picked up three bottles of whisky and calmly walked out of the store without paying. The staff have been told not to approach them…What the hell is happening to society?
A nice warm sunny morning today so I might tackle the overgrown Holly Tree.


We have a company we use to replace one window that has “blown” ie moisture between the double glazing and catch on another today . weather is nice and hot staying in the conservatory is like being in a sauna.


Good morning everyone. Dare I ask if summer has actually arrived or is the weather lulling us into a false sense of summer?
What a thing to happen on your way to IOW @SheilaP - I bet 4 hours seemed like a lifetime waiting for the coach to get going again - did you get the opportunity to have a wander around Salisbury or did you have to stay with the coach? Pleased to hear it all went well after that - I like the IOW, my late husband and I spent a few holidays there over the years.
Glad you enjoyed your meal in Whitby @OldGreyFox. My mother was addicted to looking in shops whenever we took her away with us, it used to irritate my husband although he always humoured her and left it to me to try to steer her away from them. We visited Whitby many years ago when we had a holiday in Scarborough and I remember thinking what a lovely place it was - even the 199 steps up to the abbey!
I’m having a quiet day today pottering in the garden and snipping here and there, I’ve turned a blind eye to some of the weeds because I have decided that the more times I pull them out the more others grow to replace them,
I hope your hospital tests go well @Bruce.
Happy Wednesday!


Thanks Margaret, Whitby hasn’t changed much over the years but it has got a lot busier with queuing traffic everywhere (I think they are doing some work on the bridge) and crowds of people filling the streets. I must admit though, that there are some very quaint and interesting shops there… :+1:


A jolly good morning to all, a most lovely “humpday” indeed.

“As one goes through life one learns that if you don’t paddle your own canoe, you don’t move.” — Katharine Hepburn

Have a wonderfully safe Wednesday :smiley:


We didn’t have to stay with the coach - except the driver first told us to come back in an hour, then he said we could go off again but be back in 45 minutes, next time he said to come back in an hour!! As a result we weren’t able to go far. Poor man was very apologetic, but it wasn’t his fault he had a puncture!

Happy to say my neighbour has been in with my weekly supply of home made cup cakes - yum!


Good afternoon people!

Broken sunshine here, fairly humid but that’s just fine.
I’ve just been for a stroll around the mill pond with my son, it’s an absolute tonic just to get outside in the fresh air if only for a short time.

I can’t believe it’s blackberry season again, looks like being a bumper crop, probably something to do with all that rain we’ve had. We’ve sampled some of the earliest, juciest fruit…:drooling_face:

Teasel, a handsome plant in my opinion!


Oh and Foxy, loved the picture of Whitby Harbour, a picture of that sort always works for me when I get itchy feet! :wink::+1:


Good morning!

Such a pleasure to read the forum this morning, though I am sorry to read about the need for the biopsy, Bruce. I hope Tuesday comes and goes quickly.

Other than the tire problem, I hope you had an enjoyable trip, @SheilaP. The Isle of Wight looks like a fascinating and charming place…flat tires aside! I’m glad you are safe and sound this morning!

What a charming place and beautiful day, @OGF! Along with your lovely photos and description is at the word, “ginnel” one that is rarely used around here but appreciated! Have you made your way to that inviting hilltop before? It begs to be climbed, and I imagine it offers quite a view. It sounds like you can report that first hand, @Margaret. I suppose I am the odd duck, preferring to do something rather than buy something, but I understand the novelty.

Reading top to bottom, I was going to write that Sheila’s neighbors are a reminder and much more indicative reminder of the state of the world, but OGF popped that bubble. Are we just hearing more of this bad behavior or are things really going amiss?

@Chilliboot, your photos look like something out of an idyllic Disney movie. I’d have a blackberry pie in the oven faster than you can spell it with those gorgeous berries!

Absolutely spot on, especially in a storm, Raven! Good quote.

With that, I’d better start rowing…

Have a fine day!


Excellent point Ms. Surfermom, I read once (a few years back) because of today’s technology, news (good / bad) is so readily available today , that it appears to be occurrig more often, and while I think this is partly true, I believe with the increase in population, incidents are happening more, but the percentages of occurrences probably does not vary much.
A lovely Wednesday to you ma’am.


You’re absolutely right Surfermom…
Views from the top on a previous visit…


It’s nearly as good as the book.Isn’t it? :grinning:


No picture of James Cook??

A bloke I worked with in the 1960s claimed the IoW was his entire overseas experience (he was doing National Service in the RAF)

I like blackberries but unfortunately they are a noxious weed here so it is a risk picking any as they could well have been sprayed with poison. Sometimes there is a sign, sometimes not.