Good Morning Wednesday, 16th October 2024

Good morning to you all on this surprisingly warm and sunny morning. I had to discard my cardigan early on but now have discarded the replacement hoodie, it’s turned into a T Shirt and shorts day.

Been busy, attended the Post Office shortly after it opened with my completed passport application, they very efficiently took my photo, checked the form, glanced at my old passport took my money bade me farewell. Easy transaction.

Australian passports must be one of the most expensive in the world at $400 for 10 years, I only renewed mine for five years as I will be well into my 80s by then. I must admit I looked at getting a British Passport thinking it would be cheaper but discovered it cost $580 and I had to apply as a new passport holder because mine had expired so long ago, so I quickly abandoned that wizard idea. :frowning_face:

Buoyed with my success I drove to Bunnings for some odds and ends that every bloke needs in his shed. By the time I returned home it was time to log into here and write this :icon_wink:

Showers are forecast for tomorrow and Friday so I might mow the grass this arvo.

It’s all go in the 'Gong.

Have a lovely day, keep busy, take care…


Good morning!
Cloudy & light rain, but not too cold

Going into town soon to post my calendars to USA & Canada, and a couple of other minor errands & shopping

Not sure what to do this afternoon - my living room needs a good tidy, being the last part of my flat that I neglected while I was ill, but I may well leave it till tomorrow, and have a rest & read a book instead

EDIT - Hmmm… now it’s a couple of hours later and I haven’t really woken up much, I still feel tired and a bit weak, so I’ll swap things round

Today I’ll take it easy, and doze & read & get under the duvet for a while
Perhaps I’ll do a bit of easy tidying & dusting this afternoon if I feel better, and have an early night
I’ll go to the Post Office tomorrow, I don’t think a day’s delay will affect the delivery time much


This morning been and got the garden leaves now cleared. Thanks again to that petrol blower is has saved hours of time.
The only maintenance I have done on it is replace the fuel lines inside with better plastic .


Morning all – grey wet start to the day with rain forecast for the whole day – how depressing, still on the positive side it isn’t as cold as it has been

I think you are right not to try to overdo things zuludog – hope you feel better tomorrow and are able to post those calendars

Made a start on the chocolates my neighbour brought in on Monday – seems like the Spanish version of Ferrero Rocher (my favourite chocolates!)

I don’t have much planned for today – a little light housework then perhaps reading my latest book – I have another 3 being delivered on Saturday (I am afraid to add up how much I have spent on books this last 6 months!!)

Take care – have a lovely day


Good morning - A grey and damp day. Not one to raise the spirits of the inflicted :slight_smile:

The leaves on the Oak tree at the bottom of the garden are starting to turn brown and will soon start dropping lots of leaves that need clearing up. This will be the last season it needs doing as the neighbour who’s land it’s on plans to get it seriously chopped back.

Not much to do today. Still not feeling quite the ticket but making the effort. Even so, we had to cancel tomorrow’s Covid boosters because of not feeling up to going the appointed place to get them. It will pass.

Have a good day.


Good Morning from Robert’s residence… :classical_building:
Some heavy overnight rain and now it’s turned all grey and misty, but I don’t care :man_shrugging: because it’s a rest day today so no walking or jogging except around the isles of Tesco.
The car park was almost empty with just a few shoppers milling around including the tall attractive woman with the long hair that we see every Wednesday. She even gives me a smile now when nobody is looking… :heart:
Didn’t go on a proper holiday this year and my passport ran out during covid and nobody would let us travel unless we had more jabs than Henry Cooper… :boxing_glove: :syringe: so not much point in renewing it then, but if we plan on going anywhere exotic next year we ought to get it done. It’ll probably be my last one too Bruce as I will be well into my eighties when a ten year one runs out, and the insurance companies are asking for a kings ransom for a bloke who’s had 3 heart attacks and needs a pacemaker to kick start him in the mornings…


What you done realspeed? Blown them all into next doors garden?

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In my younger day I would have loved to climb than Mart. In fact, I still get the urge to climb a great climbing tree like that…


Good morning everyone.

What could be called a dank day today - foggy, damp and miserable weather. When I arrived at the dentist, after taking ages to find a parking place, I was met with the comment ‘didn’t you get our message that your appointment had to be cancelled’!! As if I would be standing there in reception if I had received the message … I bit my tongue to prevent a sarcastic response and made another appointment for December, making sure that they had my mobile number written down correctly, which they had anyway. When I went back to my car a white van had almost blocked me in, thankfully a passing gentleman helped me to manoeuvre out of the parking space without hitting the van. An eventful start to the day.

Yesterday afternoon I started a jigsaw, I haven’t done one for years but suddenly felt that I would like to have a go at one that my son bought for me ages ago. I shall work on that this afternoon I think, I’m quite enjoying doing it.

I hope @mart and @zuludog soon begin to feel better, the weather doesn’t do much to lift your spirits at the moment that’s for sure.

Happy Wednesday!


Ditto there OGF - Always a tree climber. The children gave me a good excuse to keep it up. I’m sure we would have got on well together as kids. :slight_smile:


No put them into the post to your address


Now that’s odd Margaret, I had a dentist appointment cancelled for later this month. They reckon it was due to unforeseen circumstances. It must be a general trend across the country… :017:

I think we would Mart, peas in the same pod as my mother used to say…

Thanks Realspeed, I hope they come soon, it’s green bin day tomorrow…


Thank goodness all the trees where I live are evergreen. However there still does seem to be some leaf litter about