Good Morning Wednesday 15th

Good Morning everyone,

Just a quick visit - going to be damp and cloudy here today. Not a lot planned.

Have a fun day!

Bloody freezing here 17’ only, just returned from my walk, no rain after 15mm Monday night…

Spent the morning pottering and fed the birds on my back patio, the Rainbow Lorikeets will come within a few inches of me but the Sulfur Crest is more timid, despite letting me know he is there by climbing on the fly screen and banging on the glass.

Take care


A cool, grey but dry day forecast.

My new faulty washing machine was replaced yesterday, so need to catch up on my laundry.

Telephone appointment with my GP today .

Have a good day all.

Good morning all, a sunny and warm forecast here today so no complaints. :sunglasses:

Today we will have a walk along the beach at Osmington, before picking up a picnic lunch and heading for the hills and a visit to the Hardy monument, which we have seen before but is always a great viewpoint on a clear day.

Enjoy your day everyone :blush:

Good morning everyone

What a day yesterday here it rained non stop so no work done outside as planned. Hopefully some sunshine later…we live in hope.

Have a good day all

Those birds sound lovely Bruce especially the one who knocks on the window and then pretends to be shy when you feed him…I will have to Google him…check him out :slight_smile:

Good morning all, hopefully it will be better weather today.
ST did MS turn up yesterday to keep you warm?
Nothing planned for the day.
Have a nice day all.

Alas - no - the little spalpeen never turned up - except in my dreams!

Good morning one and all. A half decent start to the day here in the Weald. Bright with a few darkening clouds on the horizon. Have a pleasant day whatever you do. :wink:

Overcast here but the sun trying to break through.

I’m knackered… didn’t get much sleep last night because my mind was working overtime and I couldn’t switch off. 5 hours of on-line meetings today too so 6pm can’t come quick enough.

Have a great day everyone !

Morning all.

Shopping and petrol for me. And doing laundry. How mundane.

Good morning everyone, sunny start to the day here, it’s looking lovely, not in the least autumnal - long may it last (it won’t!!!)

Got a free day today - no dog to collect, no child to pick up from school, no appointments anywhere. Think I’ll make something for my granddaughter, a warm winter dress maybe,

Enjoy your day folks :relaxed:

Good morning - Grey but dry here.

I had arranged to meet my friend at the pub at lunchtime but then was reminded that that Mrs mart has to see the dermatologist at 12.15 p.m. She has another suspected patch of Bowen’s disease. On her face this time. Fairly minor but it can get worse if not treated. No pub for me then.

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: dull after a misty start but due to brighten up later.

I am really tired after a night of waking up every hour. I might get into the garden and do some tidying and there is always the ironing.

Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face:

Morning all. Bit dull here but improving no plans.
Shed needs tidying that would seem to be the height of my excitement for the day :grinning::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: sunny and warm here.

Hoping to trim the hedge in the back garden later.

Enjoy your day……

Good morning all.
I called in the pharmacy yesterday to enquire about flu jabs and he said someone had cancelled, so he could do it there and then. I didn’t have time to dither! So I’ve got an aching arm this morning.

My young Gertie has still got a poorly tummy so has got to go in the vets today for an anaesthetic and endoscope. Really worried about her as she gets so scared when I leave her there. :icon_sad:

@Mups Hi Mups :slightly_smiling_face: I had a sore arm this time and have been putting ice on it. I didn’t sit in the car and massage my arm as I usually do because I had to queue up for a long time and was worried Chloe had been alone for ages so drove straight home.

Poor Gertie :icon_sad: I hope whatever is wrong will be sorted soon.
I now have a problem with Chloe and the vet , she was ok when she was spayed but after leaving her there a week ago she is now terrified and shakes like a leaf panting with fear when we go there for dressing changes. I guess there was no pain with the spay but there was with the resent operations.

@Mups You were lucky having your flu jab Mups, our surgery say they won’t have them available until October.:slightly_frowning_face:

Poor Gertie, so sad to hear she is still having tummy problems :slightly_frowning_face: I hope the vet will be able to find and treat whatever is causing her discomfort soon.
It’s such a shame you are not allowed to be with her, I’m sure it would be less stressful her.

Awww Mupsy, I know what you mean about leaving our dogs at the vets. My Kodi hated the vets and I hated having to take him knowing he didn’t like them. Ironically enough his last journey to the vets he went in no problem, it was almost as if he was relieved and knew it was his time…so now I;m tearing up:-(

I’ll say a little prayer for Gerties tummy to get better.

Sorry went off topic, I’m late today as its 1pm, I’m just about headed to my Dads then home. This evening I’m having tea at the pub with my Golden Girls, every one of us can be there for a change, lately at least one of us has been unable to make it due to illness.

Have a lovely day all.

I miss Moira, she always gave us all a good morning Blessing, hope she’s ok