Good morning Wednesday 15th February 2023

Morning all!

More catching up on sleep yesterday. :sleeping:. Nice feeling.

I’m hoping to get more food soon but sleep is the priority for now.

Have a snuggly day everyone.

Good morning all. Its cold, very cold outside.

Got Lady coming at 10am to cut my toe nails.

Might walk down to the sea wall later if it gets warmer.

Have a nice day all.

good morn all

The Nissan Xtrail goes in to the garage this morning for new front types and brake pads so I had to get up early for a change.
Bit misty at the moment but the sun is doing its best to wake up as well

Good morning!

A bit cloudy, but dry with the sun starting to come through, could be a nice day

I am a member of U3A - The University of the Third Age, which is a social group for retired people
I’ve only been in it for a couple of months, and so far they seem OK
They have a monthly meeting with a talk, and interest groups such as walking, photography etc, but this morning I am going to their coffee & social group
It is the first meeting, brought on by a request for just a general chat meeting; we’ll see how it goes

Morning all.

If it warms up later I will try to get to the allotment for some digging.

Good morning all :wave:

Weather looking promising spring like.

Today I’m taking my little fella to the groomers he’s gone into lamb mode very woolly .

Later meeting a friend for coffee .

Enjoy the day xxx

Before groomer

After shattered but neat