Good Morning Tuesday 4th June 2024

Good morning all you happy forum watchers where ever in the world you are watching from.

A cold winter’s morning here won’t get above 19°C but I still decided to get my washing on the line while the sun shines. Rain is coming.

Hard to believe that we are almost half way through the year, doesn’t it just creep up on you?

I have to buy oil for my car as it is due for an oil change and a new filter, it means crawling underneath in the cold, Not fun! Have to mow the grass too but that can wait until this arvo when it will be a bit dryer.

What are you up to? I expect it is warmer where most of you live.


Morning all – a dull start to the day with rain forecast for later :cloud_with_rain:

Bruce, my heart bleeds for you having to suffer such low temperatures! (by the way top temperature here today is forecast to be 17c – and this is our summer!)

Decided yesterday to go to a shopping centre I haven’t visited for many years. Was sad to see how it had deteriorated, many empty shops, no major stores, no banks and lots of charity shops. It does still have a post office so was able to post my letter, but the whole thing left me feeling very depressed.

Trying to arrange a get together with an old school friend – we usually meet up every few months – worked out yesterday that we have known each other for over 50 years :astonished: (that really makes me feel old!)

Today’s plans are grocery shopping while trying to dodge the rain and some housework

Take care – have a great day everyone


Good morning - Calm and cloudy here. The temperature is 18ºC. Probably the tops for today. The rain will stay north of my location according to the forecast. Might give the grass another cut. Jackdaws have been giving a helpful had by pulling up the moss.


Good afternoon to everyone. We finally have a Summer’s Day, today. Maximum temperature around 28/30C. Sunny, just a few clouds here and there. Mornings are still very cold though for this time of year, only 14C.

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