Good Morning Tuesday 2nd July 2024

Good morning to all you wise and articulate folks on this wonderful forum.

I was up early and off to the mall to get milk and restock after my grandkids ate me out of house and home on the weekend - growing lads! (Memory lapse, I now have two and a half dozen eggs in the fridge - forgot I bought a dozen last week, ho hum)

Once breakfast was over I had a fairly long list of little jobs I wanted to get done today, none of them arduous or likely to take long, simple jobs like “clean sink in the bathroom”, “charge spare car battery”, “strip visitor’s beds”, that type of thing…

Easy eh? Not a bit of it. First job “connect old car battery to charger”. what could possibly go wrong? Bent over to connect the clips and wham! sharp stabbing pain in lower back. Hobbled back to house, immediately took one of my strong pain killers but alas too late.

I doubt any of the jobs on the rest of my list will be done today more like a day of reading, computing or watching TV. It is so frustrating, will probably spend a lot of the day lying down so it will get better, it is not like I was lifting anything, just leaning over!!

Oh well, shit happens, it will get better but so annoying.

That’s my whinge over for the day, hope you have a much more satisfying day. Take care and enjoy your day.


Good morning @Bruce and everyone, as you can see we have a storm on the way, first drops just now, as I’m writing.
Probably means the electrician won’t come to check out external wiring system which caught fire yesterday afternoon, must have been a lead with a worn out protective cover, wires touching which shouldn’t be, causing a short circuit. Well, that’s what I can make out of it, at the moment! Luckily it just burned some grass (quite a bit, really :neutral_face:,), my son got the hosepipe to put the fire out, while I was trying to hold the other end of the hosepipe firmly on to one of our outdoor taps. Water splirting all over me, why don’t these hosepipes ever fit well? I was ok about having an improvised shower though, it was 35C so I needed cooling down :smiley:



when it rains it pours Rose…hope all did get sorted…
When we purchased this wonderful place the electrics horrified us…The couple that sold it was unbeknown to us was a close buddy of the Notaire…both keen bird watchers. We took on the same Notaire as could see it would make for simplicity…Little did we know of the dangerous report on the Electrics…We found it soon after we moved in and it actually said stuff like if anybody was to have an accident because of this electric box is too high to access in an emergency and somebody died as a result we could be done for Manslaughter…We contacted the Nortaire and never got past his secretary…head banging against Wall when you cannot converse in the countries language…
We just immediately employed the best recommended Electrician we could find and so all was rectified…but stuff like that scars you.


Terribly sorry to read about your back, Bruce. I hope your injury isn’t serious and is short-lived.

I feel your pain on the pantry being laid bare. My son zoomed through yesterday and there isn’t much around for breakfast…or lunch…or dinner…

Back from viewing another round family slides, many of which I haven’t seen. It is incredible how much memory is just below the surface that we don’t activate until something sensory triggers it. What is that about? Where is a good neurologist to answer these questions when you need one… :sunglasses: :brain: :thinking:?


Good grief! It sounds like you were very fortunate that your son was there to save the day. What a harrowing situation! I hope it isn’t an expensive repair.


Morning all – bright sunny morning but we are promised rain for later

I do sympathise with your back pain Bruce, one of the “advantages” of getting older I suppose! My back is still hurting from yesterday although it is feeling a little better – hope yours improves quickly

Beastie drove me mad this morning! First she left me a little gift, in the middle of the cloakroom floor, then she decided to play hide and seek behind chairs and under the table ensuring she kept out of my reach! She kept walking to the open door making me think she was going out, only to turn around and walk away again. Eventually I closed the door and left her indoors (yes I will go back in later to let her out!)

Actually texted my friendly motor mechanic yesterday (despite his being on holiday – yes I know very rude of me!) He texted back and reassured me that the car engine won’t blow up if I drive it a short distance. They are due back tomorrow and he said he will have a look at the car on Thursday. Before you all chastise me – he is the neighbour whose cat I am looking after while they are away and he reassured me he didn’t mind me contacting him!

Off to do some grocery shopping later and then a little housework

Take care – have a good day everyone


Good morning Tuesday and all of the participants of the thread… :+1:
sorry to hear about your back Bruce, I know it can be so frustrating when there are jobs to be done but our frail old bodies won’t, or can’t respond. Just keep taking the medicine and give it some rest…
I went out on an overcast cool November morning (It felt like November) and did a reasonably fast’ish 3 miles. I even added a couple of 2 minute jogging sessions and felt alright… :man_running:
Just going for a walk down to the surgery now for my annual well man checkup, was going to go in the car with Mrs Fox and go for some lunch later, but she’s fallen out with me and won’t go now… :frowning_face: Got her annoyed head on today after giving the house a good hoovering and dusting…I try to tell her that the forum is important!


Oh, how I understand you @DianneWoollie, total empathy. Sounds like you had a hard time with your electrics too, I know very well how frustrating it can be when trying to find a good, efficient worker.
The electrician didn’t show up, by the way, (I’m not surprised :rofl:), neither did the thunderstorm luckily , the forecast is not good even if we have a bright blue sky at the moment, but it can all suddenly change in a jiffy! :grinning:


Yes, I think I would have called the fire brigade if I’d been alone.
It shouldn’t be too expensive to repair but still no sign of the electrician, supposed to come this morning.
Well, I *did *choose to live in this country where efficiency is an “unknown” vocab :rofl:


It is just a leftover from a few “Micro Endoscopic Discectomies” I had over a quarter of a century ago, It seems to occur for no good reason for example a week ago I carried a 26kg battery with apparently no ill effects yet today I lean over slightly and hobble about for the rest of the day. My drug dealer, oops… sorry, Doctor, keeps me supplied with oxycontin which is great.

The bad pain just comes and goes and gives me something to moan about.otherwise life would be too much sweetness and light. :grin:


Back pain is such a nuisance, I sure hope some rest and chemistry will do the trick, Bruce.

@SheilaP, surgeons, physicians, and mechanics are always on call. It goes with the territory; it’s basically the same career - prevention of things exploding, getting worse beyond repair, or shutting completely down completely :wink:. They are also never around when you really, really need one!

@OGF Ooooo, you are really going to fire up Mrs. OGF if she gets wind of that jogging! It is raging humid and hot here after a pop-up storm passed through just before I ran this morning. The result was that I was definitely more the tortoise than the hare. The upside is that the city had just trimmed the trees and grass along the trail, leaving the trail as fragrant as flower shop.

My sister and nieces left early this morning making the 1K mile trip back to Kansas. It was such a good visit, and it felt like my parents were around us - everywhere.

I am making a pilgrimage today to one of the umpteen granite suppliers, with the goal of updates to get this place ready to sell. I am horrible at choosing granite because it is all a miracle of geology, making it nearly impossible to choose. If we had a museum of natural materials, I’d be a donor! Cracks, crystals, deposits, colors - isn’t it all incredible! While fool around trying to make this, that, and the other thing, nature is patiently crafting all these extraordinary forms…

All right, enough waxing poetic about rocks…I am off for mineral and grocery shopping lest we all starve on Independence Day on the 4th.

Have a lovely (and harmonious) day!


I sympathise too @Bruce
Sometimes just bending down to pick up an item, or unloading the washing machine. No weight at all, just the wrong position. Ouch!