Good morning Tuesday 29th March

Good morning all.

Awoken at 6.30am by the house alarm 3 doors from me going off. No answer on phone from house owner or her bf so maybe they were stopping at his place. Spoke to friend opposite over Messenger, she too had sent a text, but as we were talking the alarm went silent. Phew. I was told our electrics had tripped briefly, so maybe it had triggered the alarm.

I’d best get going with my day. Hearing someone move a bin has reminded me I must get mine out the alley. I then have coffee group from 11, and await a phone call from the garage about my car. They were supposed to call just before 5pm yesterday. After fitting a new stop start battery and running more checks to make sure there were no more faults. Hoping they just ran out of time.

What a change in the weather, eh? Last night on late dog walk it was part foggy, part rain in the air, and chilly with it.

Right, best get on with my day. Enjoy yours, folks,

Good morning all, foggy, damp and cold here at the moment, what a difference a day makes eh…

No plans for the day yet, but just enjoying a cappucino whilst I ponder if.

Have a pleasant day everyone :blush:


Good Morning All.

Chilly here, but dry.

Paula is here today, so a tip run with garden stuff and then some shopping to do.

Such an exciting life I lead.

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Good morning everyone

Seeing a kitchen planner later…its an appointment made ages ago… wishful thinking really although the builder has reappeared and he assured me yesterday that the steels for the build are ordered …yay…watch this space :slight_smile

Have a good day everyone


It has rained most of the day, Sydney has had a metre of rainfall since the beginning of the year, four times the average rainfall just this month alone. Warragamba Dam is spilling again.

No walk today, am currently watching the Federal Treasurer opening his Pork Barrel with an Election Budget.

So far he has handed out a $250 one off payment for pensioners and the halving of fuel excise for 6 months (ie 22c off the 44c tax). The economy is booming, unemployment is dropping and he will halve the deficit over the next three years.

Ho Ho Ho…

Have a nice day.

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Not a good mornng by far. Booked on line an appointment with my optician on the 21st March, a few days ago. Even have a printout of the appointment. So go all the way into Bexhill and turn up at the right time only to be told they have no appointment booked.
Only two things how this could happen. Either they don’t check their own web page appointment booking, or their computer program is shit. So rang them up and what was their excuse " we had to cancel several appointments yesterday and we rang your wife". First of all why ring Sue and second why lie?
They might as well scrap their internet web page and save not only me but I suspect several other people as well the hassle that I had, let alone car parking costs

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face:

What a change in the weather! Dull, damp and chilly here, it feels like winter has returned.

Plenty of indoor jobs to keep me busy today.

Enjoy your day folks :grinning:

It’s about the same here too, Mags. Drizzly, cold and grey.
I have so many jobs to do in the garden now, and it’s all ground to a halt.

A peaceful day today, sandwiched between two busy days.
Just going to have a jacket potato for my lunch, then pop along to my local Amazon hub to collect a book I sent for, then maybe nip down to Asda for a few bits.

Have a good day all.

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: brrr back to winter , cold and dull here.
Lots to do, my Phisio has given me a new list of excercise to do 3 times a day and between doing those and walking Chloe 3 times a day the hours disappear.

I am just about to make another batch of ginger Kombucha , it has all gone a bit mad and I am running out of bottles and not sure when I will drink it all.

Enjoy your day.

Kombucha ? Not heard if that? Think I’ll have to Google it

Was able to collect my car after the fitting of the new battery, and queried the £5.99 consumables charge. It would seem they are passing on the cost of gloves, seat covers etc to customers. But what can we do??

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But they always did pass the cost on under Labour charges, surely?

Anyway, cooler round here and i appear to be having a little visit from the black dog over the last few days. Hopefully I can shake it off in a day or so.

Don’t remember ever seeing it. I’d best check on all my other invoices over the years.

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I think it would have been hidden within the labour costs, but customers would always have paid for it.

Afternoon everyone!

Had to shoot off early for a work meeting, and only just back. Catching up with copious amounts of coffee now, since I only had water with me. Having to take 4 buses a day will be annoying when I start work, but needs must. I should have worked it out before I decided to move into the middle of nowhere :roll_eyes:

Pottering for the rest of the day - its clouding over and Scotland is in for some snow apparently, so back to digging out the woolly gloves and hats I think. I know variety is the spice of life, but Mother Nature, if you are listening…we prefer sunshine thanks :sun_with_face:

Have a lovely rest-of-the-day :wave: