Good Morning - Tuesday 28th Sept

Good Morning everyone for whom it is morning - Hello everyone else!

We are due for rain, thunder storms, and more rain today - good excuse to be busy in the Craft Room!

Just put some carrots, onions, and garlic on to simmer - ready to make into soup for lunch.

Have a safe day

So far it has been a lovely day, with temperatures in the low to mid 20s, the odd fluffy cloud about and a gentle breeze.

Got a bit of shopping done, went for my walk, ordered some books on line and planted out a bit of pigface as ground cover. What an exciting life I lead!

Looking forward to the forecast rain tomorrow, the ground is as dry as.

Might take some video of my camper before it gets dark.

Hope you live as exciting a life as me :wink: have a good one.

Good morning everyone

I’m going into Leeds today its ages since I was actually in town must be 2 years…im hitchin a lift as hubby is meeting some of his old pals for lunch so I will do some shopping

Good luck to LionQueen today at the hospital with her husband…I hope it all goes well x

Have a good day everyone


Morning all.
Monthly Fortisip delivery this morning.
Perhaps a bit of shopping later.

That’s our forecast for tomorrow which will be your tomorrow after that.
No walks for me,the dog will spend the day sheltering under the dining room table.

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Good morning all, a bit chilly outside.

Got Men coming this morning to put up a new Conservatory, going to take 3 days, having an Orangee Flat Tiled Roof.

Have a nice day all.

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Good morning everybody.

I’m still suffering trapped nerve in my back so won’t be going far. Maybe a very gentle walk round the park & a bit of dusting.

Have a good day all. :slightly_smiling_face:

Morning all.

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Good morning - A wet day ahead, so still no allotment digging. We’ll probably use the time to do a bit more sorting out of our son’s place.

Good morning everyone, cool and bright here at the moment but rain later they say…

My day will be taken up with a funeral around lunchtime so nothing else planned.

Have a good day folks :blush:

@Barry, hope all goes well today.

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Good morning all, bit dull and rainy here with thunder and lightning forecast for late afternoon. I love a good storm! Managed to get some fuel yesterday - I was nearly in the red when all the panic buying started, so I really needed to fill up! That’ll last me a few weeks, phew!

@carol I’m sorry to hear you’re still suffering with that trapped nerve. I do hope it improves soon :crossed_fingers:

Nothing much on the agenda today, just a bit of pootling (by which I mean sewing/crafting of course). Have a good day folks :slight_smile:

Morning everybody! :wave: Bright sunny morning today, which will last until the rains come in the afternoon. Busy morning doing chores & food shopping, then heading down to the allotment to hack off the last of my giant marrows. before closing everything down for the winter. I swear we will be eating marrow soup until this time next year! I am not imaginative when it comes to marrows. Hope everyone has a lovely day! :smiley:

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: fine at the moment.

Not a lot planned for today, I had to do to trips to the doctor surgery yesterday using up most of the little petrol I had so won’t be able to go to the fruit farm as I hoped. So it’s the ironing for me I guess.

Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face:.

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: raining here and the garden is getting a good soaking.

Nothing planned for the day so I think I will change my summer duvet to the winter one as I found it quite chilly last night.

Enjoy your day folks….


Good Morning All.

Rain here, but some sun later.

Just had a visit for a blood test and now have the rest of the day to myself.

Thanks Summer, cant believe it fell on the date of our meet up, will let you know when we get back.

Morning all

Miserable day here.

Aa summer says today is the day we find out if John has pancreatic cancer or not but we are both feeling positive.

My niece is coming to puppy sit, we dont want to leave him alone, besides him pining our house will be destroyed lol

Anyway enjoy your day all whatever you are doing.

Love me x

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Happy Tuesday !

I’ve got another full day today and then Inhale to cut down the conifer which is now growing onto the shed. I have a guy coming to fix the felt roof so I need to make sure he has access to it without being obstructed.

Gardening never ends … I do enjoy it though.

Fingers crossed for you today.

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I’m so happy today - Rob is now my local go-to IT guy when anything goes wrong with our computers.

Yesterday, just after lunch, I tried to boot up my Acer desktop only to hear the hard drive crunching and grinding, then smoking so, I pulled the mains plug out of the back PDQ. Using V’s desktop, we found Rob on our local town’s forum so I gave him a call. 30mins later, he was here to discuss what I wanted repaired or exchanged, cleaned up, removed, etc. He took the box away. 6:30pm he’s on the phone saying, “Can I bring it back? I’ve finished all the jobs. £75.” I said not to bother as it was precipitating rather a lot of cats and dogs at the time.

He brought it back this morning and now I’m the proud owner of a lightening fast DSS drive with all the software I’d listed reinstalled. He’s told me not to bother renewing my AVG Pro Internet Security when it comes up for renewal because, in his words, it’s crap, not worth the money, slows your machine down and MS defender is just as good. He continued, “Oh, and by the way, don’t put Ubuntu on your machine because you’re not experienced enough to handle any and all the crashes that will occur with the software you’re using.” So that’s it, I’m going to have to stick with MS after all.