Good Morning Tuesday 25th June 2024

Good morning all you lovely citizens of Forum Land.

I am a bit late posting this morning but have had a very frustrating morning trying to get a spreadsheet to work. I won’t go into the details here but they are elsewhere:

It is a sunny but, as usual, cool winter’s day, might get up to 18°C later, the cold is record breaking for June according to the news, got my washing in the machine early and on the line, I hope it will be dry early arvo.

Was pleased to see Assange released from prison this morning (about time).

Enjoy your Tuesday, what’s up doc?


Morning all – hot and sunny morning, temperatures forecast to reach 25c!! :sunny:

Thank you Bruce, for that explanation of “Op” shop – obvious when you think about it!

Beastie continues to behave herself, no little gifts this morning although she did take her time deciding whether to go out or not. She is currently sitting on my garden wall staring at the collared dove which is sitting in the bird bath!

More good news! My brother has baffled his doctors (well he has baffled me for years but that is another story!). The medication he was taking to control his cancer started affecting his heart so he had to stop taking it. Of course we all, including his doctors, expected his PSA to rise, instead not only did it not rise but it has lowered! I told him this merely confirms my opinion that he isn’t human. My guess is he is a demon who escaped hell and took over his body when he was being born! :077:

Today I have to catch up on some paperwork – I am retired so where on earth do all these bits of paper come from! I know, I know – it is my own fault! I do a lot of things online but I do like to have paper copies (bank statements, invoices, receipts etc.) which I keep filed away. :file_cabinet:

Take care – have a great day everyone


Good Morning Bruce and Sheila and all who follow… :cat2:
Another warm night and an even warmer morning, so out early for a three mile dawdle along the towpath. A few dog walkers out before the heat of the day, and this pair taking an early morning swim together…

A few narrow boats moored up for the night, and this one seems to have been here for at least a week…

A bit tired after yesterdays ‘Pointing’ (not painting Surfermom, ‘Pointing’) replacing crumbling cement between the bricks on my back garden wall…Mixing cement, and then hauling it up onto the summer house roof in the blazing sun…
Without venturing onto very busy roads on my bike, there are only two ways out of the village Surfermom. So bike rides tend to be over the same courses, with just a couple of additions if I want to go further. All these routes have been meticulously checked for mileage over the years because they used to be my running routes…Sadly not required for running anymore…
Very good news about your brother Sheila… :clap:
Isn’t it strange the amount of blokes who suffer from prostate cancer. I have some very good friends who suffer with the condition.
I don’t intend doing too much today (apart from the walk) a hard day and an easy one is my philosophy, and planning an expedition out to Scarborough on Thursday… :man_walking:
The wall can wait…
Wall Art


I think the Canal Trust rules are a maximum stay of two weeks at a mooring before you have to move. My vast knowledge of canal rules comes from YouTube. :wink:

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Yes I think you are right Bruce, but further down to the bridge with proper moorings and power, there is a sign that says ‘maximum 48 hours stay’…I wonder if they get a parking ticket or a propeller clamp if they overstay… :open_mouth: