Good Morning Tuesday, 24th September 2024

Good morning on this warm but overcast Tuesday - it is supposed to get into the mid 20s but it feels warmer because the humidity is in the high 60% range.

Woke up this morning with my back feeling very bad, sure that it was caused by all the lifting and carrying as I unloaded the car and camper yesterday, I look one of my Oxynorm with my brekie so it isn’t bothering me, shit happens, it will go.

Sprayed the fence line with the gardener’s friend, glyphosate 360, once that has dried will mow the lawn. Badly needed rain is expected on Thursday evening so best to get it done now.

Apart from that no other plans, need to give my back a chance to improve so will probably do a lot of reading today. I have just started my first Harlan Coben book, picked at random, “Missing You”, he seems to have an easy to read style. Have read about 100 pages so far, if it is as good as the TV series made of his books I think I will enjoy it if what I have read so far is typical.

Just falling back into my normal day to day routine.

Enjoy your day.


Good morning - Not raining and a drier day is forecast for a lot of country. No flooding as there is further north. We were just on the edge of it all. Feeling sorry for the people affected.

Off to do the supermarket shopping soon that didn’t get done yesterday. A phone call to the hospital Onclogy Department this afternoon. Not much else happening.

Have a good day.


Morning all – no rain this morning although grey and overcast – possibility of a shower later! :cloud_with_rain:

Hope the back improves Bruce – if you need rain we have plenty in UK we would be only to happy to let you have

Was pleasantly surprised this morning not to find any gifts from the beast despite her not going out at all yesterday (unless she has found somewhere new to hide it from me). She demanded cuddles and then decided to stay indoors – I will go back in later to see if she has changed her mind :cat2:

Unfortunately the GP surgery my sister in law recommended can’t accept me as a patient as I am out of their catchment area. There is another a little closer which I will make enquiries about.

Total downpour all day yesterday. I did very little, got the ironing done and put away and finished my book (fortunately I have another which I will start today). :open_book:

Today I will visit the local shopping centre and pick up a few things (unfortunately they don’t sell boats)

Take care – have a great day


Good morning everyone.

Dull here too, but thankfully not raining. The flooding around and about has been awful this time - a house in the next village to us was shown on TV yesterday with water flowing through the rooms. I feel so sorry for the occupants - how would you get rid of the smell of sewage that they described. All of the furniture in the affected rooms would need to be thrown out too I suspect. Our villages run alongside the River Nene, which always seems to flood. A neighbour told me that she heard the flood sirens sounding at the holiday homes which are alongside the river further along from us. When I walked Annie this morning the playing field was sodden so I didn’t venture into the fields beyond.

I don’t have much planned for today other than a visit to the hairdresser later and then I shall probably read my book for the remainder of the afternoon. I have a new book arriving sometime today which I shall take on holiday with me next week.

I hope your back soon gets better Bruce. Good luck with getting onto the list of the new doctor’s surgery Sheila - I find it very concerning now when I read about how difficult it can be to get a doctor’s appointment these days. Luckily I haven’t needed an appointment of late and am hoping that situation continues.

Happy Tuesday all.


Good Afternoon from Foxy’s world… :man_running:
I’m a bit behind this morning, slept later than normal and then hurried around my 3.5 mile circuit.
Although it was still and overcast, it was at least dry and not too cold, especially when you’re jogging.
Jobs today include moving some stuff off the garage floor and hanging it on the walls tidy…
I just hate disorganised work spaces… :009:
Look after your back Bruce, but not too much time sat, backs like to be kept mobile…But nothing too strenuous, and no lifting…
Take it from Doctor Robert…

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