Good Morning Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Good Morning all, sorry I am a bit late but this morning I had my “procedure” at Shellharbour Private Hospital as a self funded patient (I thought $2500 was quite reasonable and will get about $800 back from Medicare). My son has just brought me home.

Surprisingly (at least to me) I am not that sore just a bit dopey from the anaesthetic. I am constantly amazed at how lovely the nurses are to their patients.

I think my son is planning pizza tonight from one of the posh ones (ie not Pizza Hut)

Anyway I hope you have a more comfortable day. Take care


Good morning - Wishing you well Bruce. A posh pizza should lift the spirits. :slight_smile:

Cloudy, breezy but warmish this morning. Good enough for a trip to the allotment.

Airshow week this week so I’ll try to keep the car off the road. Cycle or walk whenever possible. Local road routes always get changed about because of the expected traffic in and out of the airfield. Temporary one-way systems and diversions in place. Easier to cater for on a bike.

Have a good day.


Morning all – cloudy start to the day with showers forecast :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Hope all goes well for you Bruce – there is nothing pizza can’t make better! :pizza:

Not such a late start for me today – still later than normal but things are improving! Birds duly fed on time.

Quiet day yesterday, a little shopping, a little housework and a little reading!

There is an elderly Chinese couple who live locally with a habit which intrigues me, every morning they take a walk which brings them past my house – now the lady always walks several feet behind the man, even if they stop to talk to someone when they set off again she maintains that distance. Is this a Chinese custom which I have never heard of? OK I know it is none of my business but I’m curious :017:

Not much planned for today - need to sort out some things I want to get rid of, also running low on wild bird food (love to see them lined up on the garden wall waiting their turn!)

Take care – have a great day


@Bruce wishing you all the best Bruce :+1:

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Good Morning Early Morning Forum Hounds… :dog2:
Good luck with your recovery Bruce, hope it goes well and you are back out on the road soon… :man_walking:
Nice n’ warm this morning and feeling good I decided to add a bit extra onto my usual expedition around the village…
I started off on the normal route along the towpath and took this shot of Old and New…
The Old is the canal, and was due to James Brindley who was responsible for most of the canal network that provides so many good walks for land lubbers like me…
And the New is compliments of the National Grid from an original idea by Nikola Tesla…

These cows eating their way along the canal bank and supplying the milk for my early morning porridge…They won’t be here if the EU and Net Zero crackpots have anything to do with it…Bs’tards!

Not such a good idea to extend my walk further along the canal, I’ll be lucky to get home not bitten to death from bitey things cocealed in the overgrown path…

I wouldn’t like to do such a wild walk where Surfermom lives… :009:
Either bitten by a snake, or eaten by an alligator…
PS:- I meet an elderly Chinese couple on the lane occasionally Sheila, and they walk in the same way, the lady a couple of lengths behind the gentleman…


Good morning everyone.

I wish you well Bruce, hoping you soon feel better - like others have said, pizza can work wonders when you’re not feeling quite the ticket.

Just back from my weekly shop at Waitrose. There was only one manned till, with a queue, so I ventured into the new self service area again. I think I have the hang of it now, the assistant only had to come to my aid twice, each time called by the machine even though I had done as instructed (it kept telling me to ‘Put the item into the bag’ which I had already done!) In my defence there was a lot of calls on the assistant from other shoppers too so it wasn’t just me!

The sun is shining now after a night of rain, the ground was extremely wet when I was walking my dog earlier but it seems to be drying out quite quickly now.

I hope you weren’t attacked too badly on the canal path this morning OGF - insect bites are a real nuisance. Are you sure there aren’t any alligators lurking in the canal too? :crocodile: Sometimes the water is so dingy that it is hard to see what is below the surface!

Have a happy Tuesday!


Amen to that! Really pleased to hear you have that procedure over with, Bruce.

Tesla I know well, but Brindley is new to me, so that will send me down a rabbit hole soon enough . These little tidbits are better than snacks :sunglasses: Glorious day! I confess that I being from Kansas (the Wheat Capital of the World) and a fan of Clarkson’s farm (do you really have that much bureaucracy?"), my belief is that “sustainable” farming means neighbors should always be first in line to get discounted

The demolition guys are here this morning and they are doing a GREAT job. They managed to remove the old granite without a crack, so now the wheels are spinning to to recycle it for an outdoor summer kitchen/bar :thinking: The downside to that is that it means that the garage is once again filling up with more…stuff :weary: And now I have another project…

Have a great day!


Sadly, we have a trail that I enjoy running that has many signs warning of alligators and to keep dogs on leashes. One older tourist couple decided that the warnings were not meant for them and now they no longer have a little dog. :smiling_face_with_tear:


Aww, that must have been heartbreaking for them Surfermom… :frowning_face:
I could maybe outrun an alligator as long as he got tired before my two minute maximum was up…Then it would be ‘Stand and fight’… :facepunch:

“Place Item in the Bagging Area” is what our machines scold us with Margaret… Those scales are lethal…So sensitive but some things are just too light to register…Scuse me!.. :point_up:


Don’t you worry your head about that (channelling Jo Bjelke-Petersen), you will be able to buy Australian free range beef and milk with no risk of catching mad cow disease or salmonella or other diseases developed exclusively by British farmers.

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That’s not too bad unfortunately our salties tend to take children as well, on the other hand freshwater crocs avoid humans. I have stood within inches of a freshie at Falls Creek (tail end), wouldn’t touch it because that is asking to get bitten.

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That’s a long way to fly a cow for breakfast :upside_down_face: :cow2: :bowl_with_spoon:


Good grief! I have never heard of such a thing! Your reptiles must be more grumpy than our reptiles.

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They’re much bigger too. (I think). This is the most recent

I thought the whole idea of culling all the cows was to save the planet?
Moving farming to somewhere else and shipping it thousands of miles doesn’t really cut it does it…Just goes to show how gullible most people are to believe all the Net Zero and CO2 nonsense…

As far as I know we are not culling cows, occasionally they cull water buffalo, feral pigs etc but not cows or sheep. They are too delicious.

The EU is Bruce, have you not seen all the farmers protesting in Holland and France. For some reason, although we are no longer in the EU, the same thing is happening here.