Good Morning Tuesday 22nd October 2024

Good morning to you all on this fine sunny Tuesday.

Washed my bedding this morning and it’s dry already so very happy with that, it can go straight back on the bed.

My phone went “Bing” while I was hanging out the washing this morning to tell me that my new passport is on its way to me, as I only applied last week at the Post Office, I think that is a pretty good service.

Just returned from a walk round the local Op Shops looking for books, bought a couple more Harlan Coban novels so that was worthwhile.

Well, that’s my morning, have a good one…


Took two full green bins out.Unlike Bruce the highlight of our week is on a Wednesday.Most of a big dead gum tree fell down.Nothing on the floor damaged but it took a lot branches from neighbouring trees with it.We’ve decided to keep it as a garden feature.


Morning all – rain again last night (of course) but dry this morning with promise of some sunshine, the birds seem to have got up early and are currently fighting over the feeders! :dove:

Anyone have a sure-fire cure for insomnia? – had a really bad night last night, barely any sleep at all. :yawning_face: I have tried everything, sleeping pills, herbal remedies, “sleep” sprays, hypnosis, even drinking an excess of alcohol (not recommended!) – nothing works. In the past my neighbour has offered to come in and hit me on the head with a hammer but I think I will pass on that solution!

Wandering around the supermarket yesterday when someone stopped, said hello and used my name. We had a nice little chat – all whilst I was desperately trying to think who she was!! It was only after we had parted ways that I remembered – she is my hairdresser! Have been going to her for 3 years! Time for me to start looking for a home for the bewildered I think

I also bumped into one of the ladies I meet for coffee and cake on Thursdays – another lovely chat. We have a similar sense of humour (weird) which did seem to cause the check-out operator to raise her eyebrows!

Finally heard from the company who are going to renovate my cast iron garden furniture – just have to agree a mutually convenient date and time when they can come to collect it.

Not much planned for today, apart from expecting a parcel. Will wait and see if anything exciting happens (unlikely!)

Take care – have a lovely day


Good morning - A much brighter day today. Not much to do other than go along to the doctors for Mrs mart’s blood test …and to give the nurse a listen to her cough and see if she can do something about it. It’s been ongoing for around two weeks now, so about time to be thinking it won’t clear up on its own.

Have a good day. :slight_smile:


Personally I wouldn’t have a gum in my garden, they are a dangerous tree, they grow very large and their protection against drought is shedding branches - and it can shed very big branches.

Was in a caravan park last year (or the year before) when a gum shed a branch onto a caravan awning, very lucky no one was hurt.

I used to have a lovely large Wattle tree but they only have a life of about 15 years, it is long gone.


I’ve had the same problem. I think it is seeing someone out of their regular context that throws you. I have actually failed to recognise people in the street who I worked with because I was only used to seeing them in overalls, ear muffs and/or a hard hat

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Had the same problem with a neighbour or two. Must have appeared very unsociable.


Couldn’t wait to go on my walk with my new hearing enhancement devices this morning, and here is my early assessment…
Fabrics make a helluva noise when rubbing together, especially the waterproof ones, and cars passing by have a sort of whoosh…Which was quite annoying on the first mile along the busy road. I turned into a quiet lane covered in trees, the wind rushing through what’s left of the leaves on the trees had my ears full of rustling, and the sound of my own footsteps had me thinking that there was someone behind me. After a short jog I could hear the sound of my loud breathing, and kept checking to see if the devices had dropped out of my ears while jogging.
Although I’ve always heard birdsong, it was somehow enhanced now and it had me looking to see where it was coming from. Not a good idea on a rough bumpy lane… :009:
A couple of ‘good mornings’ while passing runners and dog walkers, but nobody wanted, or had time for a chat, so I pressed on along the towpath in a world of strange sounds…
I’m not convinced that walking and jogging with enhanced hearing is all that beneficial, so I’ll probably leave them out in future.
The telly sounded a lot better last night and I could hear the dialogue of even the most mumbly character, and all this with the telly set at number 10…I usually have it on 20 and still can’t hear most stuff…


Good afternoon everyone, finally got my olives harvested. They will be picked up tomorrow to be taken to the olive mill where they will be turned into extra virgin olive oil :smiley:
We haven’t had a harvest for two years, it will be great to have our supply of “real” EVOO, from our own olives this year.

@Bruce, only a week for a passport?
That would be a miracle here :grin:
Our country has only recently introduced the possibility of applying for one at the Post Office, it’s probably still not possible in our region.
Until now they were only issued by the passport office at the police headquarters.


I can’t remember exactly which day I put the form in last week but I am pretty sure it was Tuesday or Wednesday. The Post Office handles all passport business, interviews etc.

Mine was a straightforward renewal so very simple, most was done on line, then I downloaded a form with a QR code and took it to the PO who took my picture, sighted my old passport and sent it all off. Easy as.


Talking of passports, I have to ask, did the UK have to issue new passports to every one when Brexit happened?

Just curious.