Good Morning Tuesday, 20th February 2024

Good Morning Tuesday’s troubadours.

On the way home from my walk this morning I called in to my PO Box to pick up a new USB HDD that I had ordered. It is just for my camper where I use an old WD TV Live Media Player so am restricted to HDDs of 2TB or less. The player ceased production over a decade ago but I still find it more convenient to use than just plugging drives into the TV.

Not much else planned for today other than tidying my spare room - then I might return to planning a trip for next week, though the weather is not looking promising but easy to postpone.

Anyway you have a good one.

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Good morning and good night! all in the same greeting…mighty cool! @Bruce, it sounds like that camper is going to be high tech in entertainment! way to go there.

Time to go to bed. Looking forward to tomorrow being a normal workday and might even try writing out a schedule first.

Good night and have great morning and day!!!

I have had it a fair few years now, you can read about it here

Morning everyone - another dull start to the day with heavy rain forecast for this afternoon which will continue until tomorrow afternoon, please Bruce send some of that sunshine this way!!

Met an old friend yesterday - spent several enjoyable hours putting the world to rights then had a horrendous drive back home - heavy traffic and roadworks meant a one hour journey took almost two and a half hours!!

Enjoy your camper Bruce - have to say I am more of a creature comforts girl - my late husband used to say that, when on holiday, I never liked to be more than 10 minutes from room service!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day

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Good morning, something of a grey day here today, quite mild though, can’t remember the last February I was wandering around the house with just a T shirt on (and trousers as well, of course… just in case the neighbours are twitching the curtains again) and the heating hasn’t even kicked this morning…

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Good Morning from Foxy’s World… :+1:
Not quite as warm this morning but not freezing, and best of all it’s dry. I intended to walk all the way around my three miler this morning, but a runner passed me on the towpath and he didn’t seem to be going very fast, so I ran behind him and it was quite fast…Put me out of breath after two minutes, so I walked the rest… :man_with_probing_cane:
Not so mild here Kenty, but I generally walk around here in just a pair of shorts and tee shirt, bugger what the neighbours think…Here’s me doing the hoovering…

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Phew! …… the temperature has suddenly risen! :astonished::scream:


Er… blimey… definitely wouldn’t go that far… Hoovering? Sheesh…


It’d probably be prudent not to ask where you keep the feather duster Foxy…mind you, I’m sure the neighbours know!!:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


No wonder we are getting new members.


I thought about renting out my hoover with operator if I ever find myself on the breadline Mr Smith…


That is one cool trailer! I might go that way 10 years from now possibly! super cool