Good Morning Tuesday, 18th March 2025

Good morning all, a little warmer today, a max of 23° predicted, no rain but clouds and sunshine. If you want rain then North Queensland is the place for you - 270mm yesterday.

I don’t think today is going to be very exciting for me, I was up early spray painting my new tube for the camper on the theory that the paint will stop the PVC ageing in the sunlight (no idea if that is true but it sounds believable). It does mean that I can’t even attempt to fit it until this arvo at the earliest.

Later I spent a few minutes with the mower slightly widening the mowed part of my drive because it was hard to get out of the car to open the gates.

Made a quick visit to the supermarket to get some hot dog rolls because my wholemeal rolls are just too big for a hot dog. Will have to freeze most of the frankfurters and rolls anyway unless I intend to eat them for the next fortnight. Against my better judgement also bought a litre of slightly posh Ice cream.

When I arrived back home had trouble getting the key to work in my front door, I wonder if it is on its last legs, I installed the same key dead locks front and rear when I bought the place 45 years ago so they have done well. Looks like another trip to Bunnings soon. Have sprayed WD40 into the lock just in case that helps. :smile:

That looks to be my day in a nutshell. Enjoy your day.

Take care…



Good morning all.

Bright and sunny but chilly.

Still in hospital after the transport fiasco yesterday. I’m hoping to get home this morning but in the present chaos who knows?
It will be nice to have the laptop and TV to play with, not just the phone

Have a good day all


Good morning!
Cloudy, dull, & cold, but dry

I managed a reasonable night’s sleep last night, only woke up about 06-30
Going into town centre this morning for a couple of errands - a hair cut, and to report a dripping tap to the housing company; not a serious problem, but it’s been dripping for ages and steadily getting worse

And I’ll pick up a bank mini statement and a late breakfast somewhere on my travels


Good morning all!
A lovely sunny morning here and no work today! :sun_with_face:
I’ll be off into town with Chilli jnr to do a bit of shopping. Also I’d like to print up some pictures directly from my phone at the print machine in Timpsons. My friend in rural North Wales has two lovely, hefty Bernese Mountain dogs and I’ve promised to send her some 6x4 prints.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we find ourselves in here for a pint of something robust…


Have a good day forum people!:+1:


Morning all – bright sunny start to the day, although cold

The beast refused to leave the house this morning but did demand cuddles – I don’t know if she is getting lonely or just wanted a warm lap!

Today I am meeting a friend for coffee – we have known each other for over 60 years but only manage to get together every few months so it will be good to catch up.

Take care – have a lovely day


Another night, Another very swollen, painful toe, another rummage around the medicines cupboard for something that will take the pain away (anything!) I would like to find the doctor that authorised the administration of Inclisiran and give him a good kick on the shins so he can experience the pain he’s put me in.
When I’ve finished on the forum I’m going to wander over to the yellow card card scheme to report my findings.
It couldn’t have come at a worse time. The car goes in for it’s MOT and service on Thursday and I’ve loads to do…


Done some of the shopping, will pay a visit to ASDA after a little sampling…

Cheers! :+1:


Good day all

Back from the Hospital ,after 10 months of recovering , my arm/shoulder is still on the mend , and when I told them my bone is moving as I walk ,I was examined and told it would need an operation of a metal plate and screws.

My answer to that was no , they left me with an open appointment for if I change my mind .

Its a lovely sunny day here and set to get warmer as the week goes on,I need to go shopping for some summer slacks .

Next week is when all my plug plants arrive , hoping I shall have enough pots to pot them on ,

@Chilliboot love the dogs and flower display ,

@swimfeeders hope you are now on your way home .

@Bruce don’t get yourself locked out , I might have some Hot dogs today I took the
sausage out the freezer yesterday.

@OldGreyFox wishing your pain away ,

no sign of @Surfermom again hope she’s alright ,

Have a good day everyone enjoy the sun .


Afternoon all
It’s a white horses out at sea sort of day .(Bracing)
Nearly took off myself :grimacing:
Photo taken from the safety of the Coffee Cup Cafe
Enjoy the rest of the day xx


Good afternoon from freezing cold Italy! :cold_face: It’s 7C but if feels more like minus 7,with this strong North wind blowing. We have taken out our scarves, hats, woolies and gloves again! At least the air is clean now, after those southwestern warm winds which literally covered our cars in what looks like red sand! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Beautiful dogs @Chilliboot.
Sorry you’re still in pain @OldGreyFox, wishing you all the best.
Wishing you all the best, too @swimfeeders.


Love your photos. Not a fan of craft beer and micro breweries, generally speaking they are too sweet for me. My youngest son and son in law are big fans of craft beer whereas I am a philistine with my Tooheys New or Carlton Draught.

The front and back door are keyed alike so I can always get in but the WD40 seems to have improved matters last time I tried it. I looked up the price of a replacement lock and was amazed, $139 for just one!

I am not sure I am a big fan of hot dogs, the franks were a bit of an impulse buy so half a dozen of them have gone in the freezer.

Yes, she is noticeable by her absence, I hope she is OK too.

Sorry to hear it is still troubling you. Are you taking the tablets for gout? My friend who had gout in his 40s described them as wonderful, apparently you keep taking them until, as he described it, “You can shit through the eye of a needle”. Then you stop.

Hope you get home very soon, nice as hospitals are, home is best.


Thanks Bruce, when my knee was swollen I took a course of colchicine and an antibiotic. They seemed to work and the swelling and pain subsided. On Monday I felt so good I walked to the surgery (half a mile each way) to put in a prescription, it was nice to be out walking again and I had no pain during or after the walk. However, during the night my big toe began to ache and swell, by morning it was difficult to walk on. Up to now it hasn’t got any worse so I’m hoping it doesn’t deteriorate in the night when I suppose the inactivity allows the uric acid laden blood to pool in the joints and cause mischief.


I hope you get better soon, forced inactivity is so frustrating.

Am surprised they don’t give you the drug I mentioned, no idea what it is called but am told it is brilliant for curing gout, the only problem comes when it has finished doing its job (as described). Perhaps there are other reasons?

Anyway get well very soon.