Good Morning Tuesday 18th June 2024

Good morning forum worshippers on this cool but sunny Tuesday.

Washed my bedsheets this morning and because of the sun and a cool breeze they were dry by lunchtime.

My fingers are bleeding after folding over 100 letters to members of my seniors’ club. (I exaggerate a tiny bit about the blood and guts)

Wandered down to the leagues club to confirm they are going to subsidise the club’s lunch, when they confirmed that they were I felt it incumbent on me to have a couple of beers to show my appreciation.

This arvo will stagger down the post office to post my letters.

What have you planned for this Tuesday?


So without more than G’day Brucie Babe…What’s in the Letters. Maybe mine is in French!
Do we need to Guessimate this Act even?
My Guessimate is…it’s a severe Warning for those that don’t toe the line!
A little more Shrimpies on the Barbie and Tucker can be Served on Time this mornin’ Bruce.

All Sheets been blowin’ nicely in the Wind…,prrrrrrrrup, pardon moi…
No Plans, just going with the Flowing…


I just called into Coles after posting those letters and O frabjous day Callooh! Callay!”! they had eggs.

Even better I didn’t have to stick 100 stamps on, they have a machine but there was no discount for bulk mail and the price has gone up to an outrageous $1.50 (75p) per letter. Bastards!


Morning all, today, after years of waiting , I can finally sing that Beatles song….


Happy Birthday :neutral_face:


Morning all – another lovely sunny day today – has summer finally made up its mind to stay in UK?

75p to post a letter Bruce! Here in UK, first class post is £1.35 second class 85p ($2.59 and $1.63)

The beast behaved herself last night, no little gifts. She also went out to carry out her garden patrol without hesitation – hmm is she lulling me into a false sense of security I wonder - should I be worried :worried: ?

Remembered to water the planters last night – watered the neighbour’s plants this morning, I know you’re not supposed to water plants in the morning but I forgot last night. :potable_water:

Whinge alert!! I like to have local radio on during the day for company, this morning I had to switch it off! They had a 15 minute interview with a woman going to the Taylor Swift concert – how difficult it was to get tickets, how she is getting there, what she is wearing, what is her favourite song etc. etc. etc.! If that wasn’t bad enough they then had one of their presenters interviewing her own small child on why they had watched the England football game twice! I know these things may be of great interest to some but I really don’t want to have to listen to them being repeated every half hour! :015: Yes, it is official – I am a grumpy old woman!

My plans for today are a little grocery shopping, followed by some very light housework and then to sit in the garden reading (hey this is UK we have to take advantage of the sunshine when we get it)

Take care – have a lovely day


I guess that means…

Good morning - An OK sort of day. Not much done so far but I don’t know how the day will go from now on. Might go for a walk now my energy seems not bad.


Ha ha, we are an egalitarian society only one class of postage to anywhere in the country :wink:

Though as a pensioner I get 50 concession stamps a year at 60c (30p), I use them mainly for postcards, birthday and Christmas cards as I rarely write letters - it’s all email these days.

I had no idea what you were talking about, I am glad others did. Happy Birthday

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Sorry I forgot to answer, it’s survey of seniors’ club members about things like number of meetings, finances and activities. Total waste of time in my opinion but one member pushed it through at the last meeting and as a committee we didn’t oppose it but hopefully it is a one off.

It is not like the club is short of money but I would rather have spent the $138 on something else more practical.


Good Morning From Foxy’s World…A very happy Birthday Primus… :mini:
Spitty and me will be coming round to give you the bumps, that’s if you have regained your breath after blowing out all those candles… :candle:
I sauntered around a five mile route this morning and bumped into an old running friend out walking his dog. Neither of us able to run for the ice cream van anymore…
Weather was very good this morning and coming back down the deserted lane was sanctuary after leaving the main road with commuters queueing up right back to the roundabout…
So nice to be retired…


Wow, it’s getting hotter and hotter, can really feel the heat, now that the wind’s calmed down.
Not suffering yet, can still put up with it, as we had such a lousy Spring.
:sunny: :sun_with_face:


just done daily walk up one very steep alleyway on route. Now sitting down feeling hot and sticky. At least made it before it starts to rain

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We were going for a day trip to Brighton, however the weather forecast looks so much more promising for Thursday…at the moment!

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Thanks, yes, I’ve reached the grand old age of 64, of course I plan to live forever….so far so good…


Happy Birthday Primus, I hope you are enjoying your day! :birthday: :tada:

haha thought it a joke about the Overs!
yes sounds very ‘‘village clubbers like’’…then the gossipers let rip

Thank you mags, been at work so just a normal day…

Happy Birthday to you @Primus1