Good Morning Tuesday 16th July 2024

Good morning to you all on another cold winter’s day, I have been out and about but with a cardi and a jacket.

Finished off my project on my camper so that I can still leave the door open at night if it rains, It is made out of polyester material and the hooks to hold it in place if it is windy were 3D printed out of PETG.

Am quite pleased with the result though real testing has to wait until it gets warmer.

Apart from completing that job I have little planned for today.

What are your plans?


Good morning everyone, 7am here, I’m out in the yard enjoying some cool air, before we reach 40C again today, with high humidity. Yesterday, after I’d spent the morning in town, at work, and then got into my car to go home, I could barely touch the steering-wheel, it was blazing hot! I could feel my hands burning until the air-conditioning finally got rolling! Next time I’ll place one of those sunscreens to cover the windscreen, should make a little difference, I hope.
Afternoons here now are like the Covid curfew months - Don’t go out unless absolutely necessary! :imp:
You have been warned! :rage:
The news is exaggerating a bit, giving out emergency numbers and advice.
We’ve been through this before, nothing new.

Well done on your DIY work @Bruce.

Have a good Tuesday all.


Morning all,

@Bruce … do I see a little spider?

@Rose2 … I remember 40+C when in Portugal, too much, 30 is enough for me. And those fold away thingies on the inside of the windscreen: essential.

G’day all.


It’s a Redback spider, a car transfer I bought from the checkout at Supercheap Auto (just took my fancy)


Daily walk done just now with the new trainers. certainly notice the difference from the hiking shoes. weather something sunny then ovecast with a bit of rain


Didn’t scare me.



looking on house prices, for mine at least. How far out are some of them varying from £50.000 to £80,000 difference. So what is the point of them such as zoople, who are way out but the way, even trying to give some guidance. oh I am not selling by the way


Yes, I’d forgotten I had one in my boot. Gonna put two, next time, one at the front, one at the back. :sunglasses:

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Good afternoon - I rode to the allotment this morning. Tidied up the Rosemary patch that was taking over the world. Came away with radishes, blueberries and gooseberries. Nice to start going there again after the recent problems.

Have a good afternoon and evening :slight_smile:


A lovely morning to everyone :smiley:

“Every dream seems impossible at first.But the only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible. When you feel like giving up, it’s your belief in yourself and your abilities that keep you going—even when all odds are set against you.”
-----Dean Graziosi

Have a safe and happy Tuesday.


Good morning from the land of renovations! Apparently my next-door neighbor is in the mood to rip out something or the other because every few minutes, something is heaved into his own giant debris dumpster. This started before 7 A.M., so I am standing by to the group email that will be sent the entire cul-de-sac that repairs and lawn mowing should not commence until eight. Yikes.

I really like the concept of allotments that you all have. Besides the lack of walkability in most towns, this idea is one I wish we had more of here. @mart, your bounty was impressive for just a stop-by.

I have an itch and an extraordinarily rare couple of days to paint, so I am off to the art store for linseed oil and a few specialty brushes before heading to the grocery store to feed the bottomless pit in the form of my son, who is home studying for his final pilot’s license check ride.

@Bruce your latest improvement looks great and will pay off with the first inclement weather. You must be very pleased with your ability and resources to make your own parts. I am not one for decals, but I particularly like yours. I expect that you will make heads turn with that one!

@Rose, we get the same dramatic warnings here, so much so that few pay attention to them anymore. I hope it cools though! I sure liked the days when car seats were made of fabric and lighter in color, so we didn’t feel like we climbing into personal ovens.

It’s nice to read that everyone is out enjoying the morning and with that, I am off to enjoy another axial spin.

Have a good day!

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To be honest neither am I but this one appealed at the moment so I bought it, then there was where to stick it…

My old man had an allotment when I was child it was like his wine making - involved a lot of child labour
