Good Morning Tuesday, 16th April 2024

How are you all on this rather overcast Tuesday?

It is supposed to rain tomorrow so I washed my bedding and a few clothes and, while I wouldn’t call it cold (25°), the clouds make it look dull. The sun does peep through occasionally.

Had a doctor’s appointment this morning so just walked the streets of the suburb for my exercise, after seeing the doctor had to make another appointment for for next week for my annual medical for my driving licence. So annoying.

Spend part of the morning removing solar panels, water containers from the back of my car - unpacking left over from my abbreviated trip a week or so ago.

Nothing exciting to tell you about my day - what are you up to?


Hi everyone,

I’m slowly feeling somewhat normal mouth wise. Not much to report today. Bruce, I think it’s great you are going for annual medicals.

Going to start tinkering again with the idea of going off somewhere the 27th. Need to take my car in on the 26th for an oil change.

Wishing everyone a good evening and a great day!

Last year we visited DC, going to show some pictures from there:




From Jefferson Memorial: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights governments are instituted among men…"


I have no choice, it’s the law, once you are over 75 you need an annual medical report from a GP to retain your driving licence. No report, your licence is cancelled on your birthday.


I should add that it is not a full medical but a “Fitness to Drive” medical.


I struggle to get my annuals in. They usually will tell me exercise more, or cholesterol medicine. I do hear you about choice. Seeing it from a different angle without the law part and thinking you’re very proactive.

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You’re fit, stamped! I’ll take that any day :slight_smile:

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Morning all – strong winds and rain last night – sunshine this morning although forecast is for more rain later (what a surprise!) :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

Spent most of yesterday resting my “injured” foot whilst reading a new book. The local radio station made me laugh - they were doing a segment on how wonderful a certain area is – the presenter approached some people waiting at a bus stop asked the first person “what do you love about living in this area?” Reply “I don’t live here I am visiting a friend” Presenter approached the second person “what do you love about living in this area” Reply, “Nothing – I can’t wait to leave” :laughing:

Daily Beastie report: Due to the weather she didn’t leave the house at all yesterday, but didn’t leave me anything to clear up this morning (or at least nothing I could find – she may just be getting better at playing “hide the poop”). As my foot was hurting I sat down while she ate her breakfast only for her to jump on my lap and allow me to pet her for a few minutes (this is unheard of as she usually treats me with complete disdain) I can only assume she is missing human contact!

Beasties regular servants telephoned - took pleasure in telling me how hot it is where they are. They are due back at the weekend - asked them to bring some hot, dry weather with them

Take care – hope everyone has a lovely day


Good morning all :slight_smile: Enjoy your day :slight_smile:



Good Morning From Foxy’s World… :oncoming_automobile:
Felt a bit jaded with tired legs on my 3 mile walk/jog this morning although the time wasn’t too shabby, but I wasn’t feeling the love. Neither were these motorists trying to get to work and ended up stuck in the queue. There is usually a queue here, but roadworks on the bridge just around the bend have really screwed things up…

I have to do this half mile stretch each morning on my regular walk, it’s a bit of a pain but once I turn into the lane tranquility is restored.
St Oswalds goes back to the 10th century and is about half way round my route it bears the same name as my jogging course when I enter it in my journal, I feel quite proud that they named a church after my jogging route… :blush:

The Friends of St Oswald's Church History
Plenty of work to do today as my car goes in for it’s first MOT tomorrow. I like to give it a good clean to make it look like somebody cares.