Good Morning Tuesday, 15th October 2024

Good morning to you all on this cool, overcast Tuesday.

That’s the trouble with Spring, one day it is lovely and warm the next it is decidedly chilly - only 20° today but at least the night time temperatures are remaining in double figures.

Recorded a reasonable 9mm of rain last night with, hopefully, a bit more to come.

I’m off to pick up a package from my PO Box from Temu, to be honest I forgot what I ordered but it might be flashing LEDS. We shall see.

Yesterday was the first anniversary of the the defeat of the “The Voice to Parliament” referendum, not much has happened since, I think the supporters were stunned by the size of the defeat, 2:1 in Queensland for example, and no one knows the way forward.

If the rain holds off I might make a start on my camper’s axle.

Anyway, have a wonderful day, enjoy life…


I see the Labor leader has bought a nice $4.3 million cliff top property.Perhaps somewhere to retire to after the next election.
Hot sun cold wind here.You take things off to go out and put them back on when you go in.


Morning all – another grey damp start to the day

Bruce, you asked yesterday why there were so few comments – in my case it was because I had nothing to report! The weather was grey and cold and I had nothing planned for the day.

Yesterday my neighbour called in with wine and chocolates as a thank you for being on cat servant duty. I did say that I thought 5 weeks was a bit long and would prefer them to keep their trips down to a maximum of 4 weeks – fortunately our relationship is such that I could say this without her taking offence or being upset.

I mentioned to her the problem I am having with the lights and extractor fan in my en suite. Her husband called in when he got home from work and checked it for me. I thought a fuse had gone (but what do I know!!), anyway it appears the whole pull cord switch fitting needs replacing, he is going to arrange to get a new one and will fit it some time this week.

Not much planned for today – this kind of weather just makes me want to sit and read!

Take care – have a lovely day everyone


Good morning - Another grey day but it’s forecast to get warmer …and wetter. I need to go some sorting out in the garden if I can raise the enthusiasm. The carefully nurtured tomato plants have stopped working. Had plenty off them but only half of the tomatoes have turned red this year and it’s getting a bit late now. The little blighters won’t even ripen when brought indoors.

Both me and Mrs mart are somewhat dogged by not feeling too good at the moment. Having to decide who feels worse when it comes to looking after one another :slight_smile:


Good morning!
Dry, cloudy, not too cold

I’m slowly recovering from my bug, and slowly catching up with the tidying & cleaning that I haven’t done for weeks
Yesterday I changed the sheets (you don’t want to know how long they had been left on!), vacuumed & tidied the bedroom, had a shower; and at the pace I’m currently working at, that took all day; still, it’s done now

Today I’m parcelling up some calendars to send to friends & relations in USA & Canada; again, at my pace, that will take all morning
Then this afternoon I’m planning & making up meals from the various odds & ends of food that I have accumulated recently when I was just eating whatever I could find that was easy.
I’ll also make plans & a list for shopping & meals over the next few days
This will include re stocking with some canned & frozen food that I’ve eaten while I’ve been ill

That should bring me back to normal … well, as normal as ever!


Good morning everyone.

I have a busy week. Yesterday I took Annie dog to visit the vet to get her monthly injection which is supposed to ease her osteoarthritis, however she is limping badly this morning so I shall give it a couple of days and if she doesn’t improve then I shall contact the vet again. Then tomorrow I have a dental appointment for my six monthly check-up. I really don’t like visiting the dentist but feel that I must keep up with the check-ups so that I am kept on his list. It’s incredibly difficult to find a dentist these days I know so I must keep up with these check-ups. On Friday I am having lunch with my friend - some light relief at the end of the week! I enjoy our lunches because we put the world to rights and are often the last ones to leave the restaurant.

I don’t have much else to report really - I might tackle the ironing later or I might do some more tidying in the garden or I might just settle to watch the cricket or just read my book. Decisions, decisions!

I hope you and Mrs mart soon feel better @mart. Pleased to see you are feeling better @zuludog it doesn’t matter how long it takes to do jobs, it’s the satisfaction on completing them that is the reward. It seems to take me ages to do anything these days too.

Happy Wednesday, whoops, Tuesday!



You had me thinking there Margaret… :thinking:
Blustery and overcast today, and 10 degrees C on the outside thermometer, so it must be warmer. Doesn’t feel like it though… :009: Beautiful day yesterday with warm sun shining from a clear blue sky. I went out in my coat to rake the lawn but it soon came off and out came the chair. I did about half the lawn and decided to sit for a few minutes to admire my work so far :sunglasses: :yawning_face: it felt like summer, and an hour later when I woke up… :open_mouth: I finished the job with a final cut of the year…Perhaps.


Whoops! However, don’t they say ‘gain a day gain a friend’ whatever that means :grinning:


Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t a complaint. I was just curious about the fact that some threads go really long whereas others are minimal and I can’t see a pattern, it seems quite random.

For example the PiantdonNET v Paintshop Pro thread that I started, I expected one or two replies at the most (and I wouldn’t have been surprised by no replies) but it went on to over a dozen replies (I think) so I obviously I have no idea what makes a thread interesting.