Good Morning Tuesday, 14th January 2025

Good morning to to all. an early start for me as I have to go into Wollongong to see my specialist on the first of my three monthly visits (that’s every three months not three in a month)

It has rained already this morning but not enough to be measured in my rain gauge.

A couple of days ago I was stung my a Paper Wasp a colony was building nest on the side of my garage, I didn’t see it and brushed against it and got stung on the arm twice. The sting was sharp but not particularly painful but my arm is still itching like mad and slightly swollen, it is driving me up the wall. Apparently it can go on for up to 10 days :frowning_face:

Paper wasps are a native but I think they are a type of Asian Hornet (so I was told), they are twice the size of a bee, will see if I can find a picture. They are always around but never aggressive unless you attack their nest.

Anyway I have to catch a train soon so that’s my lot for today.

Have a great Tuesday.

Take care…


Good luck with that.Is it just a check up or does he have some results to look at ?

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Morning all

My neighbour came round last night his sewer man hole was filling up , he wants to check mine today , I have his and 6 other properties all flow into mine in my drive way , Never had a problem myself but I know his previous tenant had to rod the line …Fingers crossed his problem is not mine .

Hope all fairs well for @Bruce .

Have a good day everyone .


Good morning - The comparatively warmer weather is here to stay for some days. Bright, dry and cloudy in Surrey with a temperature of 3ºC at 9.10 A.M.

Nothing planned for this morning but a trip to a hospital in a nearby town this afternoon for Mrs mart’s Rheumatology appointment. We haven’t been to this one before, so we’ll have to follow the map to find the place.

Funny because something like 30 years ago, I knew all the roads and the names of them in all areas within a 10 mile radius of my hometown and workplace …and the best way to get to them.

I always thought that if I stopped being a TV engineer I could have been a taxi driver. :slight_smile: Now I have to think about how to get places and wonder if the road layout will be just the same. I know some junctions and routes have changed. Anyway I expect we’ll find the hospital one way or another.

I’m expecting the arrival of the second Echo Dot today. More to play around with.

Have a good day. :slight_smile:


Morning all – weather continues to improve if only slightly.

Hope the appointment goes well Bruce

Fingers crossed there is no problem with the drains Eliza

Finally got around to renewing my driver’s licence and paying the vehicle tax yesterday. Whilst I could understand the health and sight questions, why did they need my NHS number or to know how long I have lived in my property (it’s the same as on my current licence).

Although I am feeling much better after flu I find it has left me feeling very tired, with no energy or enthusiasm to do anything, hope that changes soon!

Birds are very active on the bird feeders this morning – it’s like Spring is almost here (that should jinx the weather and cause the deep freeze return!)

Didn’t get round to the ironing yesterday so that is on the cards for today, plus I am expecting a parcel. I wish the delivery company would give a more precise time of delivery, currently it is “before 10 pm”. I would be happy if they said either morning or afternoon!

Take care – have a great day everyone


Thank you to all for the good wishes about my specialist visit.

It is all good, I am still being monitored for the cancer but I don’t have to return for 6 months so I was pretty happy with that. It’s obviously not going to cure itself but nothing needs doing at the moment.


Pleased to hear it Bruce. :+1:

A good result Bruce :+1: and I hope those wasp stings don’t cause too much bother.
My thermometer is still on the blink but it didn’t seem too cold this morning so it was back in the shorts, and it was fine. I’m up before the sun these days, but on a clear day it rises during my walk and produces some amazing sunrises. I’ve been banned from jogging since my little episode last week, but what the eye doesn’t see… :wink:
I’ll give it another few days and give it a try.
Another walk later as I escort Mrs Fox to the pharmacy in the next village for some super dooper toothpaste the dentist has prescribed for her sensitive teeth, she gets it free now she’s an old woman…
I’m off to strip down…(don’t get excited) the poorly thermometer and see if anything can be done…I think it’s the damp that’s got into it. The rain has been blowing from an unusual direction, it’s never happened before, so I’m going to build a little house for it.


Good afternoon all!

Good news Bruce! :+1:
A fairly nondescript kind of day here, not that I’m complaining about that, being mellow is fine by me.
Dinner is gently simmering away in the new slow cooker, smells gorgeous if I may say so myself.

This one’s digital unlike my old one, digital but user friendly :slightly_smiling_face: It doesn’t have Bluetooth or bloody windows 11 :+1::wink:

Have a good day people! :+1:


Good sunny morning from Florida! How the pendulum swings. It is chilly but not freezing, which bodes well for an afternoon run.

Bruce, I am sorry about the sting. Since you are off to the doctor, you might ask about antihistamines. I have learned that a half of an over-the-counter pill knocks down insect itch without knocking me out.

When my parents were building the house, the wasps were likewise building nests. My parents said they thoroughly enjoyed walking down the unfinished halls only to have a wasp speeding by in the opposite direction, equally focused on the task at hand. If you have committed a great wasp sin, there is no time to ask for a pardon, they have already punished you and sealed their fate.

I am at the university for the next several hours. I really enjoy these kids, but I can’t helped but be tickled that most look like they literally just rolled out of bed - sweatshirts with hoods pulled over their heads, loose pants that I think in some cases are pajama bottoms, flip-flops, and faces reflecting the blue light of their phones. No wonder the population is declining :rofl:. I love saying hello and engaging them in conversation because it shocks them back into this very interesting physical world of awareness, sights to see, things to hear, and people to meet. I can’t help but think that their obituaries will one day be whittled down to a list of websites that they visited :laughing:.

For fear of pot calling kettle, I am off - but not before asking @Chilliboot what time we are supposed to arrive for dinner. I’ll bring the sourdough and the red :smile:.

I hope everyone fees as fit as a fiddle today!


Shall we say around 19:00 GMT Surfermom ?
I shall be wearing my best pajama bottoms and flip flops, a sight to behold! :open_mouth:


Ordered today some printer ink cartriges ,then got a phone call from the company they are out of stock and not refilling their stock either. Why on earth can’t they remove their internet adverts ???
Now got to go through the proceedure of checking if the stated refund has gone through. the problem is paid via Sagepay which is a business payment scheme not like paypay where i can check. So got to now wait folr a bank statement instead.

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I won’t be in pajama, but I am pleased there is a relaxed dress code as i’t going to be hard enough to paddle to England on time - wearing a ballgown. :rofl: