Good Morning Tuesday 14 June


Good Morning All

A lovely sunny morning, birds singing.

Very little sleep last night.

A lovely elderly patient causing chaos by wondering around the ward thinking he was a member of staff.

A very observant gent, he had memorised the key codes for the doors.

Very funny.


Good Morning everyone

Sunny here just now - due to be hot by lunchtime.

Meeting up with a friend for shopping and lunch.

Morning all.

Swims, there is usually always one awkward patient in hospitals. Hope you are feeling ok.

Cafe meet today, then a spot of housework and putting some of yesterday’s shopping into the freezer (once I separate and bag them). I made the mistake awhile ago of putting an entire packet of chicken drums straight into the freezer. Now I can’t separate the damn things. I bought fresh yesterday and will get them into bags, and cook a couple later.

Morning all, dull here.

Swimmers, he was making his escape route!! Hope you are feeling better.

Might go to the Car Boot sale this morning, nothing else planned for the day.

Have a nice day all.

Morning all, looks like being a nice day here too… :sunglasses:

No plans other than a curry for lunch, so I may have a look around the internet for a new drill that I’ve been hanging my nose over…

Sorry to see you’re still banged up Swimmy, here’s hoping your parole hearing goes well… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Have a pleasant day everyone :blush:

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Not so good morning here …

The weather is dry & Ok, if not actually brilliant sunshine
It’s Tai Chi session this morning, but I woke up not feeling very lively, and that has now turned to sneezing & feeling cold & bleary
In fact, I’d say it is a cold

I have food in, and would have just stayed in bed, or at least indoors, but I have a letter that I must post asap, so I’ll have yet another cup of strong sweet tea with a dose of whisky in it, and stagger off to the local sub PO about mid morning

Good morning all :grinning: another lovely sunny day here.

Sorting through my wardrobes this morning to see what I can put in the Charity bag thar arrived through the letterbox yesterday.

Pottering in the garden this afternoon.

@swimfeeders - I hope you are improving and will soon be able to return home.

Enjoy your day folks….

Morning all.
Another lovely sunny start to the day. Not looking forward to this heatwave they have forecast as the week wears on, though.

I’ve quite a busy day ahead, with a yoga class this morning, then Opticians, then an Audiology appointment after that. So best get a move on. :smiley:

Hard a nice walk in the hot sunshine this morning and stopped to talk to a few people en route. Our conservatory temperature is 35c at the moment so too hot to sit in,even Teazle is having a job finding a cool spot in the house

Are you sure you want to come home Swimmers, it sounds like good entertainment where you, is it run by Pontins or Warners, what time does thee Can Can Girls come on.

Morning all.

Got some nice sleep last night. It was cooler and nice sleeping weather. That was nice. :sleeping:

Placed an order for delivery today. Crossing my fingers that goes well.

Hoping for a nice day today weather-wise.

Have a peaceful day everyone.