Good Morning Tuesday 12th April


Good Morning All.

No frost and no wind, an ideal day for Paula to fix the new polytunnel.

I need an electrician, I have one socket on a spur which keeps tripping out.

Have a good day all and stay safe.

Good morning Swimmy and all who follow

A day in the garden for me I think…just hope it stays dry

Have a good day everyone

Warm but fairly overcast.

Stuffed up a new seal on my camper axle bearing, I regrease them every year as a matter of course and got too cocky tapping it in and got it crooked. Had to pull it out, which ruined it, had to use the other seal - now have to go to the auto parts place and get another.

Ordered 10 meals from Pantry@Corrimal which get delivered this arvo and bought a dozen wholemeal rolls from the Vietnamese shop. Exciting day.

Have a good one

Good morning everybody.

I have an insurance surveyor coming this morning to look at my boiler fiasco.
If there’s a leak in my old decrepit underground pipes then the insurance may help me with the cost.

The plumber in the meantime has stopped contacting me. I may have to get a new plumber to finish the job off.

Have a good day all…

Good morning all, beautiful and sunny here.
Not going out today, just resting.
Have a nice day all.
Carol, hope you find another realiable Plumber to do the job.

Morning all.

Good luck, Carol.

Cafe meet this morning, and supposedly writing group this evening, but not heard anything about the latter. Usually by this time we know the venue, and will have had work submitted by the members. One has Covid so he won’t be there. I have submitted my writing, so that leaves 3.

Rather an uncertainty. Don’t know whether to have my main meal lunchtime in case I will be leaving home about 6.45, or to prepare it for later, and attend by zoom.

Good morning all, overcast here and mild, but rain forecast for later. :sunglasses:

Walked the dogs already and now having a brew before deciding what to do next, although the dogs need combing ready for their clip tomorrow so I’ll probably do that first. :haircut_man:

@carol , at one time the central heating pipes were laid in the floor screed, but over the years the cement eats away at the pipes allowing them to leak. If that’s the case I doubt the insurance would cover it so let’s hope there’s another reason for it that the insurance will cover. :thinking:

Wishing you all a pleasant day :blush:

bright sunny day at the moment. Jujst put up a video of Carshalton park in Surrey. First real effort away from home with the new camcorder on youtube. Could have been better admittedly but like all things one learns by mistakes.
W all went into RYE yesterday to the old town with the cobbled streets and old houses one feels it is like going back to the old days of 1400ad. THen on to Camber sands as we have never been there before. Not being used to walking the climb up the sand dunes to get to the beach was a killer, my poorf legs ache like hell now


Great bit of kit, just plug it into the socket and check I have one cost about £15-17

Good morning everyone :smiley: pouring with rain but I am not complaining, rain at this time of year seems to bring the leaves out and turn the garden into a world of fresh green.

I am waiting for a Medication Coordinator from the surgery to telephone to discuss my medication, I want to clean out the wardrobe if I can and do my Waitrose order.

They’re handy, I am still using one I have had for over 40 years which of course is the older neon type - the only advantage of them is that a missing earth is shown up by all three neons lighting whereas the LED variety show missing earth as one light which could be confused with problems on the neutral (depending on how the diodes and LEDs are wired).

Good morning all :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Overcast and mild today, hopefully the sun may show its face later.

Went to the Garden Centre this morning and bought a few plants to bring on in my mini greenhouse.

Enjoy your day folks :slightly_smiling_face: