Good Morning Tuesday 10th October 2023

Morning all!

Busy day yesterday. I ordered an online grocery delivery that was delivered, paid a bunch of bills and looked for items for my next grocery store delivery.

I’m hoping for a day of rest today. If I get a chance, I might have a phone chat.

Have a good day everyone.

Good morning Butterscotch and those to come in yet.
Off into Gorleston this morning, food shopping.
Have a nice day all.

morning all
did an evening walk last night , Farmers were busy sowing winter crop , I love the smell of the countryside , the newly ploughed earth , the hedges that are being cut , such a sweet smell .
Having Smell and Sight is something to be thankful for ,also hearing.
The birds are coming back to the garden agan , there was a little Jenny wren ,twittering away yesterday , I watched it moving about in the shrubs .
Have a nice day all .

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Good morning!
Cloudy but dry

Tai chi session this morning, and while I’m in town I’ll go to the library afterwards to collect a book I’ve ordered -
The Longest Crawl by Ian Marchant
It’s about a trip from the south to the north of Britain sampling pubs
I haven’t read any of his books, but they have good reviews, we shall see

Then in the afternoon a couple of other errands - collect prescription and buy fruit & veg at a local independent greengrocer

Morning all.

P&Q next door. NfH have gone on their honeymoon. A friend up the road is looking after the kids but they will be at school or nursery during the day. I don’t have the front door being opened 20 times a minute. The woman did once mention Centreparcs for next month with the kids. Yay, hope so.

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