Good morning Tuesday 10th May

Morning all, rough night’s sleep as one of the dogs isn’t well so I’m very early on here today.

Had a good day yesterday flying a Boeing 737 simulator, the session bought for me by my daughter for my birthday last year, great fun but very complex, as a private pilot on light aircraft I never realised how different it could be!

Nothing major on my agenda today, just a spot of gardening for my mum and then grooming the dogs later, ready for clipping them tomorrow.

Have a good day everyone :blush:


Wow! what a great gift @Barry .

One of my sons has a pilot’s licence but he also has licences for just about every type of watercraft too.

My day so far has been more mundane. I had to go to the Doctor’s for a medical check up merely to keep my driving licence, I have to do it every year from now on. in a few years I will have to take an annual driving test to keep my truck licence but I think I will give it up then I haven’t driven a semi for years now.

I tried to ring the Pantry@Corrimal to get 10 meals delivered but they had their answering machine on, I might drive up in the morning and collect them in person.

Rainy day again, only got to a cool 20°, 32mm overnight. La Nina is beyond a joke, I can never remember such a prolonged period of rain virtually the whole summer has been wet, the saturated ground has never been able to dry out. It is really awful.

I went to the Amazon pickup lockers to get a parcel during a spot of sunshine and bugger me if it wasn’t raining on my way home.

Anyway have a good day.


Sounds like an English Summer to me, Bruce!

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Good Morning/Afternnon to everyone.

I hope your poorly dog is better soon, Barry.

Going into town to meet a friend - we’ll do a raid on Fishmonger, Cheesemonger and Market - not necessarily in that order - then find somewhere nice for lunch.

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Morning all.

Barry, I went on a Boeing simulator when I was in Singapore. Loved it. Even have a dvd of my flight. The instructor kindly remarked ‘I can see you are a pilot’. Probably because I didn’t panic, lol.

Just the coffee group this morning, with a low turnout expected, then I might do some housework. Not in the mood for the zoom writing group meeting this evening. And just get my bin out in the alley for collection soon.

Enjoy your day.

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Good morning all, dull and cloudy outside.

Off out to the shops and cafe for lunch today, so no cooking for me.

Barry, that looks like great fun.

Have a nice day all.

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You are all such early birds I haven’t got out of bed yet only to let the dog out .

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Good morning everybody.

I plan on spending some gift vouchers today at the east Midlands designer Outlet. No other plans.

Wow - Barry. Those controls sure do look complicated!!!

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Carol, having had a go myself, the instructor does all that, flicking switches here and there, and suggesting airports to land at. The customer is then left free to fly the simulator.

Ahh I see.
Bet I couldn’t do it though!!!

Daily walk done and a bit cooler out which is nice from those scorching last few days

not much fun in a simulator without the female cabin crew on board :wink:

Good morning all :grinning: it’s raining here, strange stuff as haven’t seen it for a while! :grin:

Sorry you have a poorly dog Barry, i hope he feels better soon.

What a great birthday present Barry, you look a true professional in that seat! :grinning:

We took our daughter to the Garden Centre yesterday and stocked up on plants …… strange they had no busy lizzies there this year.

Enjoy your day folks……


Morning all.
Its been cloudy and breezy up until now, but brightening up at last.

My friend went to pick up a slimline water butt for me from Lidl’s yesterday, because they were selling them for £19.99 inc. stand. When she got there, they’d sold out! So looks like I won’t get me nice new one after all. :unamused:

Just done an online grocery order, save me dragging round the shops this week.
Have a good day all.