Good Morning Thursday March 31st

Good morning everybody! :wave:

Its freezing cold, dark(ish) and very frosty outside. I do hope we have seen the last of the snow for this year, although the frost makes everything sparkle, which is nice.

No plans for today really, just admin stuff, house chores and perhaps a walk later on.

Have a lovely day everyone! :smiley:

Good morning Pixie and everyone

Snowing here in North Yorkshire…im supposed to be meeting pals for lunch at a pub later thats if we don’t cancel…will have to keep an eye on how bad the snow gets

Stay warm and have a good day all

Good morning all and yes, snowing here too! Just hope it doesn’t last too long! :flushed:

We had planned to visit youngest daughter today but we’ll have to see how bad the weather gets and decide then whether to risk it.

Keep warm and safe today :blush:

Another wet and miserable day, if you think I am just whinging about a bit of rain…


The average annual rainfall for Wollongong is 920mm, 940mm has fallen since the beginning of January and there is still 9 months to go!.

Really fed up with getting wet feet just leaving my house!

Good morning all, got sleet coming down.

Friends coming to visit us today.

Have a nice day all.

Good morning everybody.

We have snow here. It’s falling quite heavily.
We may have to live upstairs as we have no hot radiators downstairs & it’s freezing.

Have a good day all…

Good morning everyone!

Got some much needed rain a couple days ago. The days have been a bit cooler which is nice.

I just finished a big piece of a financial task I’ve been working on. ~breathing a sigh~ Still more left but that’s for another day.

They’re cutting off my phone tomorrow because of the 3G shutdown. I haven’t had time to get a new phone, so I’ll be probably using wifi phone for a bit.

Have a fun day all!

Good morning all :grinning: sunny and very cold here, back to the fleeces!

My mouth is a bit sore today after the two extractions yesterday but I’m sure the salt rinses will cure that soon.

Expecting Sainsburys delivery later today.

Enjoy your day folks :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain::snowman: keep warm! :slightly_smiling_face:


A proper frost overnight, temperature has just reached 0 Centigrade.

We are going to be missing the forecast snow.

Another stay in day, hopefully things will get warmer soon.

Morning all.

Mags, hope you feel ok soon.

Dog and I only went as far as a corner or two, did her business and back home we came. Promised her a longer walk later if weather eases. I think we got more cold than wet but I always wrap her in a towel and get her dry. That’s me, then, till lunch time-ish, and our next walk. Don’t think I will bother with the Tesco shop or library.

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Morning all. We had a nice brisk walk this morning, bright and very cold. Now it is going to to be rain or snow.

Had to put the heating back on it’s that bluddy cold today.

BIG BIG NEWS TODAY. On TV and in news papers.

Hunpty Dumpty didn’t have a great fall. HE WAS PUSHED

Good afternoon everyone :smiley: it is snowing heavily at the moment but I have managed to get the bedding dry between showers and have just got it ironed.

I have also wiped out the fridge in readiness for my Waitrose delivery tomorrow. Next is more exercises, the Physiotherapist seems to think my back problem may be permanent and I need do my daily exercises religiously to help with mobility and to learn new strategies to cope . It all takes so much time.

@Mags Mags :slightly_smiling_face: I hope your mouth feels a little easier soon.

Hailing like the clappers up here and sky as black as t’fire back. Overnight snow cleared by around one PM and bugger me, we’ve got hail.

It’s like history repeating itself. My late aunt and uncle got married on this day some sixty years or so ago. It was snowing and hailing on that day, too. Have never known it snow on this day ever again until today.