Good Morning Thursday 9th December

Good morning everybody! :wave:

Full nights sleep last night so feeling more energised today. I have the housing department coming round later today to do a few things and have a chat, so I’d better get the posh biscuits out. :smiley: Other than that no plans apart from routine things.

Have a lovely day everyone!

Morning Pixie and all who follow. Still too dark outside to see what the weather’s doing, but it sounds wet as the cars go past,

Off up to my daughter’s soon for another day of granddaughter minding, and home schooling. One more day after this and then she’s able to return to school, yay!

Have a good day folks :blush:

Good morning all.
Not going out any where today, got to make some phone calls.
Have a nice day all.


Good Morning All.

A quieter, slightly warmer day forecast.

Covid is very high here, so staying in for a while.

I could do with a haircut, but have plenty of food and supplies in.

Have a good day all and stay safe.

Good morning from ‘out in the rural sticks’ to you all. :039:

Dry here and cold at the moment. Grey skies, showers forecast by evening. Maximum temperature 6ºC.

Keeping warm is about all I have planned for today, not venturing out at all.

Enjoy your day everybody, whatever you may be doing.

Went to a pie and peas lunch today, ate far too much but it was a good outing. Lady from Yorkshire made the mushy peas, I am not a big fan but they were nice enough.

Still wet and miserable

Good morning everybody.

The main plan today is meeting our 8 year old autistic grandson Josh from school. The lockdown destroyed our relationship with him.

He doesn’t want anything to do with us really. I shall ask him if he wants to go to McDonalds, or treetops (a play centre) or my house. If I give him a choice he may go to one of them but then again he may say he wants to go home. Anyway - we’re taking it slowly.

Other than that I need to go to the chemist to collect some meds & I may ask them to give me the flu jab while I’m there…

I washed all my wooden kitchen cupboards with wood cleaner yesterday so the task today is to polish them!

Have a good day all…

Good morning all, a much better start here now that wind has died down and the heavy overnight rain has stopped, and a drier day forecast too…

Just back from the forest and having a cuppa before popping over to see Mum for awhile. She’s 92 and sharp as a pin mentally, but her aches and pain wear her down so I will try to brighten her day a little with some company.

Enjoy your day everyone :blush:

Good morning everyone

Looking a bit damp out today in my part of beautiful Yorkshire but who cares because I’m out to lunch with pals later and some Christmas shopping so a nice day planned for me

Have a great day all

Morning all.

Finished breakfast now, so when I let the dog back in from the garden, I will go upstairs and search for a few things in the spare rooms. Specifically another, longer, extension lead. Battery operated Christmas lights. The Christmas candle ornament (that sits on a sill), and a telephone headset.

Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: brighter day with glimpses of the sun.

Off to the hairdressers later to have my hair cut and catch up on the local news whilst enjoying a cup of coffee. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

This afternoon I will await my Sainsbury’s grocery delivery.

Enjoy your day folks….

Good morning everyone :slightly_smiling_face: a lovely bright morning and I have been busy in the garden removing dead heads from the cyclamen and polyanthus. Hopefully with no dead flowers rotting I can keep the plants flowering through the winter.

I might get the windows cleaned too before the rain arrives at lunch time.

Enjoy your day :slightly_smiling_face:

Morning all. Just finished reading the outcome of a troll attacking me. Very funny.

Had a team meeting to discuss with one of my flat’s management companies to discuss budgets, which was fun.

Got a couple of A level tuitions later today, which will be nice. Nothing else major planned.

Have a great day everyone (bar one :joy::joy:)