Good Morning Thursday, 8th February 2024

Dearly beloved, verily I say unto you, Good Morning.

Took the dog out early and just given him a couple of chicken necks as a treat.

Just returned from my seniors’ meeting and have to write up the minutes - I told you before I live an exciting life.

It is clouding over at the moment but the humidity has gone and it is a pleasant 24°

Take care and have a good day where ever you are.

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Morning - around 6.30 am here in UK, heavy rain all night with more forecast for today (oh joy!). About to have my first cup of revival potion (coffee!) before starting the day.

Meeting friends for coffee and cake later, haven’t seen them for a couple of months as I have been out of the country visiting family - will be great to catch up with them.

Hope everyone has a great day

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good morning from NW England, the snow hasn’t reached us yet its only 1 deg

Natural history group meeting this morning, coffee and biccies

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Morning all,
yes wet ,wet,wet, and its rather cold .
Had a lovely lie in ,feeling much better today . hopefully this blasted virus is receding.
Hubby birthday so going to cook a chilli later ,one of his favourite.
Have a good day peeps. :smiley:

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Good morning!
Cold, grey, and snowing

Huh! I’m fed up

I’ve mentioned before that for the past couple of weeks I’ve had a minor cold - not really severe and want to take to my bed, but just sniffly, miserable, and feeling tired

However, yesterday things had improved; I felt much better, and there was some blue sky & sunshine, so I hoped to get out today, to the shops at least, and hopefully more

Huh! no such luck
I woke up sniffly again, and it’s snowing
So it looks like it’ll be another day indoors

But I’ll make an effort and have a hot shower and an early night, then see what tomorrow brings

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Good Morning from Foxy’s World… :snowflake: :snowman_with_snow:
“Snow is falling all around”… :musical_note:
A great decision to wander into the Wolds trig hunting yesterday. Weather was beautiful but a bit chilly.
Another good decision was to go out walking/jogging early this morning. Nice n’ dry and 4 degrees C. It just started spotting with rain as I got back and Mrs Fox was just going out for her walk…The heavens opened while I was showering, and then it turned to snow. Mrs Fox came back half drowned and freezing cold…