Good Morning Thursday, 3rd October 2024

Good morning one and all on this overcast Thursday.

I am hoping it doesn’t rain because I have a line full of washing which should be dry soon, there is no rain on the radar so I am hoping it will be good. It did rain during the night which is the right time for it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Have improved my Dell laptop no end by adding a keyboard that I was given a couple of days ago, the Dell keyboard was rubbish to be honest.

Thursdays is bin night too, must remember to put the red bin out on the footpath.

Hope all is well with everybody, seems a bit slow here lately. What’s going on?

Enjoy your day. Take care…


Bin days can be very colourful these days.Green,Yellow,Red and now we have a Purple for glass bottles.


Yep, my street is a veritable smorgasbord of colour on Thursday arvo.


Good very early morning everyone!

It’s Thursday so it’s off to the office I go. We have moved to a hybrid work environment which means 3 days in the office for me.

Thankfully, it’s not full days in the office… yet. I can go into the office late or leave the office early but with traffic, it’s best to leave early in the morning for work.

What a waste of time.

Oh well, I owe, I owe, it’s off to work I go :notes:


Good morning everyone, woke up to hear the wind howling, it’s gonna be one of those days today, strong south /western winds with pouring rain. Luckily, it hasn’t turned cold yet, too early for that.

Must be the change of season @Bruce, making us slower than usual :neutral_face:. It’s always sad saying goodbye to Summer :slightly_frowning_face:.

Have a good day at the office @Minx.
Thinking back, I actually enjoyed my office job in London way back in 80s/90s, we had a great team. :grinning: I’m grateful to have had that experience.


Morning all – a bit cold this morning but promise of sunshine later

Beast left a gift this morning – not surprised as she hasn’t left the house for 2 days – just wish she would use her tray. Demanded lots of cuddles and then refused to go out, despite the sunshine. Hopefully she will go out later. Notice the neighbour’s lawn has a nice crop of mushrooms in it – no I don’t think they are the “magic” kind!

I am definitely becoming a grumpy old woman (becoming???). The presenter on local radio this morning has a “competition” going in which he bites into and eats a crisp and he is asking listeners to guess which brand it is!!

Roofer arrived on time yesterday, fixed the roof and while he was up there he said he noticed one of the downpipes was clogged so very kindly cleared it for me. Shouldn’t have been necessary as I had the gutters cleaned just a few weeks ago. He also had a look at a leak my neighbours have, when the beast saw a stranger in the house she immediately darted under the sofa to hide!

Later the heating engineer arrived and fixed the heating – just in time as the temperature is forecast to drop to 3c tonight!

This morning it is the turn of the alarm to be tested and serviced. Hopefully it will be finished in time for me to join the ladies for coffee, cake and gossip.

Take care – have a lovely day


Yes, bin day today. Blue for the card/paper, green for grass/leaves, and glass. Next week is the black one for general crap…


Not much happening here. had an email from Wex photographic saying they had received my Camcorder and will inspect and let me know if their offer still stands.
as for the weather it is sunny at the moment and warmer than it has b
een for the past few days
£200 on premium bonds this month

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Good morning from Foxy’s world :confused:
Still having to post on the phone as BT haven’t got round to sorting out the problem yet. Apparently all our cul_de_sac are also down. I’m not getting good reception on this smartphone I can only obtain the internet in the kitchen.
Cold this morning but at least it wasn’t raining so feeling good after yesterday’s rest day I .managed to do more jogging than walking and ran a best time this year.
I arrived home and found that I’d won £175 on the premium bonds.
How good is that.
And I should receive compensation from BT. I can’t pay any bills or even visit my bank on this phone, because I am reluctant to get too reliant doing everything on .y smartphone


Brilliant :moneybag: well done Foxy :sunglasses::clap:

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The drinks are on me Ralph…

:joy: The thought of a drink at the moment is making me feel quite ill. :weary:
It was my birthday yesterday and in true mad Ralph style I drank far too much vodka.
I woke up on the sofa this morning still fully clothed and with a splitting headache and I’m still suffering now :weary:
I’m sure by tea time I’ll be right as rain so I’ll definitely raise a glass to you then :smiley:


Good afternoon - Got back from the usual Thursday lunchtime trip to the pub. Mrs mart has gone to her craft club meeting. I’ll be walking down to meet her from there to get a few things in the Co-op.

Well done on the Premium Bond win OGF and realspeed. Hope the Hangover soon clears Ralph …and Happy Birthday for yesterday. It sounds like it was :slight_smile:


Happy Birthday for yesterday Ralph, I’m glad to hear that you did it in style…

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A belated happy birthday to you, Ralphie!
If you do this in true mad Ralph style, then you know what to expect. Just a glutton for punishment, eh?


Bite the bullet and get stuck into it, it is brilliant. If it worries you do what the Chinese do, have one phone for financial stuff and another phone for everything else. Personally I think one phone is enough, these bank apps seem very secure.


I’ll drink to that. Happy birthday.