Good morning all you fancy folks on this thirsty Thursday.
Seniors’ meeting this morning, I am about to write up the minutes.
Immediately after the meeting I rushed down to Officeworks to pick up some photos. I sent them on-line at about 7.30pm and by 10pm had a text telling me they were available for pickup. I was pretty impressed especially as they are my Christmas photos and the overseas ones need to be in the post tomorrow. Places like Big W say 7 to 10 days which I think is pathetic, I miss the photo place on the main strip where they did it in a couple of hours
It was yet another really hot morning but at this moment storm clouds are gathering and there is the sound of growing thunder in the distance. We are in for a severe thunderstorm apparently. That’s the trouble with all this heat it puts a lot of energy into the atmosphere.
I hope we get a good dose of rain anyway, the ground desperately needs it.
Have a grand Thursday where ever you are and whatever your weather.
Good morning all!
Not much in the way of heat around here this morning Bruce. It’s really quite cold with frost on the ground and a hazy wintery sunshine.
No work for me until Saturday so just catching up on housework etc and getting things all nice and ready for decorating on Sunday
Work commitments have changed so I very happy to say that I should be able to get back in the gym five days a week commencing tomorrow
Back to healthy eating and starting to load up on the creatine monohydrate for a week before cutting down to two servings a day.
Morning all – very cold this morning, heavy frost and below zero – top temperature today 6c. My smart meter is already showing red!
Neighbour rang yesterday afternoon – invited me in for coffee and I came away with 6 homemade cupcakes! She is determined that I shall not lose weight! I need to ask her husband for a favour today. I have replaced the bird feeders (squirrels broke the old ones!) and I need something to fasten them to the feeding station. He secured the last ones with plastic tags.
Off for coffee, cake and gossip with the usual group this morning, then some grocery shopping. (Just realised I do seem to have a lot of coffee based get togethers )
Good morning!
Clear cloudless sky with no wind, but very cold with a hard frost
I’ll be spending today on tidying, sorting some paperwork, and general pottering
But if it warms up this afternoon as it did yesterday I’ll go for a drive to keep the engine turned over, battery charged, and so on
Oh - tonight at 6-50 on Film 4, Freeview channel 14 there’s one of my favourite films -
Finding Your Feet, a sort of gentle mid life crisis comedy starring Timothy Spall among others.
Good Morning all, from Foxy’s icy world…
Minus 1 degree C and frost and ice everywhere, especially underfoot as I struck out for my usual saunter along the canal towpath. Full kit this morning, puffa coat, hat, gloves and bottoms, with my most rugged walking shoes firmly laced up.
Temperature not forecast to go much above 3 degrees C so I’ve got the boiler stoked up (it’s gas by the way) and because I don’t have a smart meter I haven’t got a clue how much it’s going to cost me…I might have to sell a few things when the bill arrives…
Just finished off the last of the M&S mince pies I bought on Tuesday. My son-in-law likes mince pies and can allegedly detect which shop they were bought from so I was going to do a blind taste test on Saturday when he and my daughter visit…but unfortunately they haven’t lasted that long…
Off to pick up my prescription from the Chemist (drug store to all the Americans) and go and get some pasta for tonight’s dinner…I got some hot sauce too…
Good morning - Just got back from a trip to a local retail park. Bought the new kitchen knives at last …and some Chicken Tikka Masalas from Aldi that I think are rather tasty.
I’ll soon be going for a pint and a bag of crisps at our local. Then it’s another blinkin’ medical appointment this afternoon (Dermatology). Such is life.
Happy Thanksigiving to my American compatriots and especially to my forum friends across every latitude!
I have plenty of gratitude for each of you for the company, fabulous humor, abundant knowledge, and good-natured conversation; you all will always have a place at my table .
And on that note, @OGF, there are no mincemeat pies here, but I’m just now finishing the dough for one pecan and one pumpkin. Please try not to finish them off before I get them to the table . The oven will be as busy as a Los Angeles freeway through the day, but I enjoy being in the kitchen all day with family coming and going. Around two, when it gets frenetic, I pop in “White Christmas” to keep me company and reminisce about my dad, who loved it so. honor of my dad who loved it so. The menu is almost my mother’s - southern cornbread dressing, (she would have served turkey) seitan (whey’s yummiest form @Chilliboot for a sage, lemon, mushroom loaf, scratch green bean casserole, garlic blue cheese mashed potatoes, gravy, frozen pineapple cranberry salad, Yorkshire pudding, snap peas with new potatoes, and Waldorf salad. Anyone who smothers the flavors with hot sauce must walk the plank!
I barely had time for a run this morning, but I did take a few minutes to cool down out back and this fine fellow decided to join me. I do love this time of year when the dolphins come up river for a mullet breakfast.
Shiver me Timbers. Me Fingers need Defrosting.
Climate Warming isn’t working here.
Hello CH. Boiler. Wake up. You have a lot to answer for. Always assuming. A defrosted finger, can remember which button 2 push.
<< Declines’ 2
We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving but we do have Black Friday Sales (which I think are related). These sales are very handy in the lead up to Christmas. I doubt they will ever replace in scale the Boxing Day sales, because the latter go on longer, but they are definitely here to stay.