Good Morning Thursday 27th June 2024

Good morning to you all on another sunny winter’s day, yesterday arvo the temperature got up into the low 20s, I discarded my jumper (though it was back on again when the sun went down!)

Just got home from my seniors’ meeting and have yet to write the minutes but will have a coffee and a bite to eat first.

I have been searching high and low over the last couple of days for an old laptop which I have obviously put somewhere “safe”. I just want to update it but have no idea where it is.

Friday is bin day so must remember to put the bins out later ready for the morning, my green bin is full.

As you can see it is all go in my household. Hope your day is a bit more exciting than mine…


Just quickie before I sweep Mrs Fox off her feet with a relaxing 7 mile walk along the cliff path at Scarborough…In 20…nay…15 minutes…Catch you all later…


That’s a nice gesture :smile:


Oops, 7 miles??? :laughing:

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Morning all – light rain this morning and it is a lot cooler

I guarantee you will find that lap top Bruce – in the last place you look! :grinning:

That comment seems a bit sinister Foxy – hope Mrs. Fox returns with you :astonished:

I think I scared the beast this morning! When I went in I told her not to mess with me because I had only had 2 cups of coffee (so not fully caffeinated). She not only didn’t leave any gifts but left the house immediately after breakfast, despite the rain!

Went to the club for “older” people yesterday (really don’t like that description). There was a very interesting speaker and I also bought a book! These meetings only take place once a month but I met someone who told me about a similar club attached to another local church which meets every week so may try that one as well. He said he is usually there by 10.00 am and would be happy to introduce me to everyone

Gardener arrived yesterday afternoon, lawn and planters all looking lovely. I did offer him a cold drink but, being typically British, he said he would prefer a cup of tea :teapot:

Just saw something very funny! A magpie and a pigeon appear to be having a stand off in the garden, staring each other down. The magpie sudden turned its back, raised its tail and appeared to waggle its backside at the pigeon – well it made me laugh :rofl:

Usual meeting for coffee, cake and gossip with friends this morning, then some grocery shopping – the extent of my exciting day!

Take care – have a great day


Why is it that when we put stuff safely away, we never find it? We have a house full of computer/phone leads, wires, ecc. When we’re looking for a specific one, do we find it? Nooooo.
One of life’s great mysteties :neutral_face:


How true Rose - I have a large boxful of leads etc. I am pretty sure most of the items they attach to have been disposed of long ago - but I know if I throw them away I will also be throwing something away I will want a few days later. Now whenever I buy anything with a connector/recharging cable I tie a small label to it


Yes you’re right, if I dare throw something out, there will come a day when that was the one we needed, and the ones that are left will never ever be needed, unless we throw them away! :rofl:


@Bruce , a laptop shouldn’t be too difficult to find, hope it will pop out soon.

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Good morning - There are viewings of my brother’s (R.I.P.) house at midday and 2.00 p,m. I will be going there around 10 a.m to open the curtains and make sure the place looks its best. Hope we get a buyer.

A pint of beer and a bag of crisps at the pub come lunchtime. Maybe clean the windows in our house later.

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Morning all. I’m off for a swim at 11:45 then later on I’ll be picking the grandkids up from school. They stay overnight with us 3 times a week so it’s usually pretty hectic with lots of cooking and ferrying them around to various activities. By the time 8pm rolls around I’ll definitely be ready for a well earned stiff drink.


I empathise.

My grandkids and DiL arrived unexpectedly today, I wasn’t expecting them until tomorrow. I will be looking after the dog and youngest one tomorrow while the eldest and mother take the train up to Sydney to watch Dad arrive home from deployment.


I always write on the plug with the pen of that white out stuff.

It also makes it easier to find the right plug on a power board

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